Photo Credit: Jewish Press

An Outpouring of Care

But in truth, HaRav Yitzchok Yerucham Bordiansky, Mashgiach of Yeshivas Kol Torah in Yerushalayim, points out that during this journey Klal Yisrael saw things that elevated their trust in Hashem to new heights.


As the Egyptians were suffering miserable and torturous deaths, Hashem made sure they would not experience even an ounce of discomfort! For example, the water formed a roof over their heads to shade them from the sun. Instead of having to walk on a path that sloped to the bottom of the sea, the waters congealed underneath, creating a comfortable, level road. In case of hunger, fruit trees grew on the sides. Thirst? Just touch the walls and drinkable water poured out. But now the floor will get wet? Hashem took care of that also. Whatever water they did not drink froze and fell like snow! The floor became like marble, a pleasure to walk on. And the heavenly aroma of Gan Eden wafted through the air.

This outpouring of care and concern helped Klal Yisrael understand that there was no need to worry; Hashem was taking care of even the smallest detail. The nation that exited the Red Sea was not the same one that entered. Now the Torah could proclaim: “And they believed in Hashem and in His servant Moshe!”

This is also the lesson of Shabbos. Hashem tells us: Forget about your jobs, put your trust in Me, and don’t worry about anything else. In recent times, we saw how many Yidden lost their jobs week after week because they refused to work on Shabbos. We should all try to emulate their dedication to Shabbos and their supreme trust in Hashem.

In our generation, when most jobs do not require Chillul Shabbos, chas v’sholom, the test comes in different forms. For example, how close to Shabbos do we leave work? Or when it comes to giving up delicacies that were left in a fridge whose light bulb is still connected, do we try to find a way to open it “by mistake?” Yes, it is difficult – but if we realize that Hashem knows what is best for us, then it will be much easier to follow His command with joy. All the intricate halachos of Shabbos that seem to inhibit our freedom will now be viewed in a different light. If Hashem, who loves us and cares for us more than we do for ourselves, has so commanded us, then certainly it is for our good. If we live on Shabbos in this manner, we will come out on a much higher level of emunah than when we entered!

By contemplating this great lesson on Pesach and constantly strengthening ourselves each Shabbos throughout the year, we can reach new levels of faith and trust in Hashem, which will help us stand strong and grow from any ordeals which may come our way.

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Rabbi Niehaus, who originates from Los Angeles, is the Rosh Kollel of the Zichron Aharon Yaakov night kollel in Kiryat Sefer, a rebbi in Yeshivas Tiferes Yisroel in Yerushalayim, and the author of the just released “Oasis: Experience the Paradise of Shabbos” by Mosaica Press. He can be contacted at [email protected].