Laws And Orders
Classical writing requires ink and paper, which are technically separable. In engraving, the material being engraved becomes the writing.
Different Views, Yet Still United
It is inconceivable to believe that when we exited Egypt everyone in Israel had the same views on every subject and did not have the distinctiveness and uniqueness that make our people, and each individual, so important.
The Beginning Of Torah She-b’al Peh
When one reads the commandments of Shabbat as they appear in the books of Shemot and Devarim, two divergent formulations appear: “Zachor” and “Shamor.” Which one appeared on the Ten Commandments?
Q & A: Al Achilat Matza (Conclusion)
QUESTION: I have noticed that when we eat the matza at the Seder on Passover, we recite the blessing of Hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz, followed by Al achilat matza. Why don't we say Al achilat matza when we eat matza during the remainder of Passover?Moshe JakobowitzBrooklyn, NY
Pharaoh’s Confirmation Bias
Pharaoh’s refusal to believe in the miraculous power of G-d is evident even before the plagues begin.
Being On The Team
Even when we pray on behalf of individuals, we pray for them as part of the broader community.
‘Hurricane Season’
It’s been a rough few weeks. It began with the news of a heinous crime just blocks from where I live on Manhatan’s Upper West Side: a nanny viciously took the lives of her two young charges. Hurricane Sandy came next, contributing additional loss of life and financial devastation of a magnitude never before experienced by our East Coast brethren.
Making Our Will The Same As G-d’s
One of Viktor Frankl’s most essential contributions to psychology was his highlighting the importance of self-transcendence and its contribution to a sense of meaning.
Peace At All Costs
In what manner was Aharon distinguished? Why were Klal Yisrael protected with Clouds of Glory in his merit?
Being the Best, Being Me
I am the best! You are the best too! There were over 600,000 neshamos at Har Sinai, and each one was different. In order to be inspired to grow we must sense the best in ourselves; in order to be a mentch we must see the best in others.
Pray Like A Mentch
When we hear of school bus tragedies, we should pray for the safety of our children. When we hear of someone suffering from Covid-19 or another dreaded disease, we should pray for health. When we see flashing lights on the highway, we should pray for safe travels.
Productivity Thieves
No matter which approach we take, the underlying message of Rabbi Dosa’s teaching is that there are certain habits that can derail us from our larger goals and values.
Who We Turn To And Rely Upon
Though we occasionally face difficult situations, we should be optimistic about our future.
The Culture Code
Noted marriage therapist Dr. John Gottman also contends that each marriage has perpetual, unsolvable problems. The goal is not to resolve those conflicts but to know how to relate to those conflicts in healthy ways.
If Not I . . .
Ultimately, no one else will take responsibility for us in our place.
The Limits Of Speech
The assumption behind the theory was that current psychological problems can be alleviated when a patient talks about his or her past history, eventually gaining insight into the root causes of the issue.
How Grit Builds Greatness
The better self-awareness we have, the better our relationship with others will be, and the stronger connection we will have to G-d.
Ambiguous Loss – A Lesson From Yaakov And Yosef
We might ask, why are these two things – giving up hope and aveilus – connected? After all, the likelihood of whether the loved one has died, which may be the more intuitive factor for beginning aveilus, does not change based on the subjective metric of losing hope, so why should this determine the threshold for commencing aveilus?
The Jewish People: One Person With One Heart
There is no question that the congregation of Israel at the time of the giving of the Torah was comprised of divergent views, and that the people who were transgressors and who later would be singled out as sinners were present as well.
This Week's Luach
New York City candle-lighting time and more.
Don’t Stand Out
We live in a society where people gauge success by the number of possessions, but we need to realize that flaunting our successes puts us in grave danger.
Don’t Give The Angel Of Death Power
We have to be very mindful of the lashon hara pitfalls and traps that the yeitzer hara cleverly sets for us during this pandemic.
You’re Not A Grasshopper
It’s not entirely clear within the narrative what the spies did wrong. They were asked to scout the land and report back, and that’s what they did.
Eretz Yisrael Today: The Lifeline Of Our People
Mitzvot performed in Eretz Yisrael have far greater significance and impact. Living in Israel, as I do, one can feel the vibrancy of the Torah and how it relates to our daily lives.
The Director Behind the Scenes
Hashem’s control over what happens in the world means that our lives and fate (even in this world) are fully in His hands.
How Much Self-Sacrifice Do We Have?
Mesiras nefesh doesn’t only mean putting one’s life on the line for one’s spiritual beliefs. Rather, anytime a person pushes himself beyond his natural physical tendencies to fulfill the will of Hashem, he is following in the footsteps of the great Macabees, the heroes of Chanukah.
Leave Anger Out Of Shabbat
While Shabbat is in theory emblematic of tranquility, it often does not translate well into practice.
Shabbos Mevorchim Teves
Our Jewish calendar is based on the lunar year, and Rosh Chodesh, literally the head of the month, occurs when the moon renews itself. It is a holiday — in that we daven mussaf, just like on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim, we do not conduct fasts, and the pious among our people eat a special seudah. Traditionally, women do not sew on Rosh Chodesh and refrain from performing heavy-duty tasks.
Menachem Av
Hashem wants us to realize that we are not in control of Har Habayis, and this should disturb us.
Toiling For Torah
The second chapter of Pirkei Avot ends with two related teachings from Rabbi Tarfon, both centering around procrastination and productivity.