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Time will tell and only God knows how everything will turn out in this sad chapter. And while we cannot reverse or obliterate what has been decreed upon us, we can and must do whatever we can to soften its physical and spiritual blow. May we witness the fulfillment of that poignant prayer we recite every Monday and Thursday:

אחינו כל בית ישראל הנתונים בצרה ובשביה,העומדים בין בים ובין ביבשה,


Our brethren who are in despair and crisis, who stand whether on land or in the sea. That is the standard translation of this part of the pasuk. But we can interpret it homiletically to describe our situation- we stand between the land and the sea, geographically and emotionally

המקום ירחם עליהם ויוציאם מצרה לרווחה, ומאפילה לאורה השתא בעגלא ובזמן קריב”

May Hakadosh Baruch Hu take them (and us) from despair to joy, from darkness to light, speedily in our time.

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Rabbi Rackovsky is rabbi of Congregation Shaare Tefilla in Dallas, Texas. From 2007-2012, he served as assistant rabbi at The Jewish center.