1. Sprint competitor
4. Like a boat with no power
10. A Young Israel
14. Gun org.
15. Detector
16. Outside eatery
17. Rasha executed on July 17, 1918
20. Double reed woodwind instrument
21. Used Ivory
22. One from Sana’a
25. Bro’s kin
26. Yom Kippur, e.g.
29. Rasha executed on May 31, 1962
33. Iranian currency
34. Fusses
35. Rasha executed on May 2, 2011
41. Once follower
42. 1/24
43. Rasha executed on April 9, 2003
49. ___ mode
50. Dangerous squeezer
51. Attempted
54. Put into Word again
57. Done
58. Rasha executed April 28, 1945
63. Amongst
64. Blew out
65. Very long time
66. Execution items for 17, 35 and 58-Across, or black shapes on the sides of this puzzle
67. Convinced
68. Droop
1. Irk
2. Dan or Levi, e.g.
3. Third largest city in Washington
4. Japan’s largest active volcano
5. Marina ___ Rey
6. Genetic letters (pl.)
7. That ___ ___ cool!
8. ___ ___ long as ___ can remember….
9. Hot and humid locale
10. Large number (often pluralized)
11. Solo of note
12. ET mode of transportation
13. Asher of literature
18. Pay attention
19. Material for airy tzizit
23. Cheers! call
24. Mother of Remus and Romulus
26. Miami star
27. Soon, to the bard
28. ER workers
30. ___ Five
31. Former Secretary of State Root
32. Nuts
35. October birthstone
36. Pop or fountain
37. Also
38. Not yesses
39. Big drinker
40. 51, e.g.
41. Chant at the Mets vs. Phillies game on May 1, 2011
44. Assist
45. Car needs
46. Place for farm food
47. It might be graven
48. Nations’ warships
52. Italian city and province
53. Circular gasket
54. Ousts
55. Sneaker cat
56. Athletic award
58. Grocery freebie
59. Aussie bird
60. 90’s rock palindrome (abbrev.)
61. View
62. Unlike 2
The Crossword puzzle appears on this page the first week of every month.
(Answers, next week)