Why The Wicked Prosper
A few weeks later, the master killed the hog and made a banquet for his friends.
Outwitting The Rich Wine Dealer
“I would appreciate if you could give me some pointers on how to improve my wine,” said the wine merchant eagerly.
The Golden Leg
Rabi Chanina prayed and suddenly the room became brilliantly lit and a huge hand appeared and snatched the golden leg and disappeared with it.
Yearning For Torah
The question bothered him very much and he decided to go to the town square where all the poor were gathered and ask them.
Rav Moshe Of Peshvorsk
Naturally, when these angels are called upon to testify concerning the life of the man who created them, being liars, they tell all sorts of false tales concerning this man.
The Civil War Against The Maccabees
Every day a casket filled with gold would be lowered from the walls of Jerusalem and in return the army of Aristobulos would send up cattle for the korbanos.
The Castaway
Whatever the heathens have made has not been for the good of the world but only for their own pleasures.
Rav Yosef Shmuel Of Cracow
Those who learn the Talmud are forever indebted to a commentary found on the side of the pages which enables the student to find the source of a particular law. This commentary, known as Mesoras HaShas, is the work of one of the most brilliant and erudite Talmudic scholars, Rav Yosef Shmuel of Cracow.
Never Mistreat A Person
Never mistreat a person, no matter how lowly he may be, for you can never know what the future holds in store for him, our sages warn us. As an example, the following story is told in the Talmud Yerushalmi.
A Torah-Sharpened Mind
No, it is not so, I am an honest and God-fearing Jew. Because of this I returned your lost wallet to you. If you do not wish to give me the reward I gladly waive all right to it. I only ask that you do not accuse me falsely.
The Life Of A Jester
“And what was your grandfather’s name?” asked the visitor. “The same as my name,” replied the child.
The Pious One
If I angrily punished him for insulting me in his time of bitterness, then people would begin to question my objectivity and my judgment.
The Miracles Of The Ramban
Rabi Moshe ben Nachman, widely known as the Ramban was born in the year 1194 in the town of Gurunda, Catalina. He became famous as a great scholar and sage and wrote interpretations on the Torah and on many Gemaras, and authored many seforim, which are revered to this day. The Ramban was also a philosopher and a physician and his services were in great demand.
The Man Who Pursued Tzeddakah
“Come now, I insist. Tell me what errand of mercy you are on so that I too may have a share in the mitzvah.”
The Meaning Of Hunger
In the days of Shlomo HaMelech, the richest man in the land lived in Yerushalayim. His name was Bavsi and he was known as a wicked miser. He oppressed his servants and his slaves and made their days bitter with toil from dawn until late at night. Because he was so stingy, he did not give them enough food to eat, so they and their children constantly suffered from pangs of hunger.
Rav Eliezer Lippa
Among the great giants of Chassidism were two brothers, Rav Zusha of Hanipoli and Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk. But the apple does not fall far from the tree and the deeds of the father are lessons for the children. These two tzaddikim owed much of their character to their father, Rav Eliezer Lippa.
The Translation Of The Torah
By having a powerful army ready and prepared to do battle at a moment’s notice. But he should be discreet in using the army. He should carry a big stick but speak softly.
Never Told A Lie
The trial was the next day and he hadn’t as yet told the family what he would do.
A Time To Throw Away
Suddenly a thought entered his mind. Of course, that was the way. It could yet save their lives.
His Prayers Answered Through Charity
The bidding reached the sum of 500 rubles. When the bidding stopped at this figure the shammos announced an anonymous bid to top it.
The Life Of Privation
Reb David kept quiet and paid no attention to her requests, for he didn’t have a penny in his pocket.
Complains To The King (Continued From Last Week)
Realizing that he couldn’t fulfill Avram’s request, Nimrod then decided upon another line of reasoning.
Maggid Of Kozienice Rav Yisroel ben Shabbethai
The simple man was very impressed with these stories and the following morning he told his wife that he was preparing a sumptuous feast for erev Yom Kippur.
One Good Deed
On the way home from the funeral, the crowd surrounded Reb Pinchas and demanded to know why he had attended.
The History Of Chanukah (continued from last week)
Mattisyahu knew that Antiochus would be enraged when he heard what had happened, so he and his sons fled to the Judean Hills.
A Near Tragedy
The community leaders were taken from their cells and brought before the governor. He shouted at them, accusing them of plotting the prisoner’s escape.
The arguments, however, could never appease his wife and one Thursday she came to him for money to purchase food for Shabbos.
The Writing On The Wall
In the midst of his merrymaking, the king ordered his servants to bring out the golden vessels that were taken from the Beit HaMikdash by his father Nevuchadnezzar. The king and his men drank from them and praised the gods of gold and silver.
Rav Avraham Abush (Part II)
“It must be that beggar,” he exclaimed. “He probably stole my cane.”
The Power Of Repentance
Mercenary soldiers would enter Jewish homes at will and take everything they could lay their hands on. Anyone who protested was shot.