Photo Credit: Courtesy: Gush Etzion Municipality
First day of school in Gush Etzion. Sept. 1, 2023.

It’s Labor Day Weekend in the US, but in Israel, it’s a real holiday as the kids (Baruch Hashem) have gone back to school.

Approximately 13,000 school children in Gush Etzion went back to school this morning, like all children throughout the country, marking the start of the 5784 school year. Gush Etzion Council Mayor Shlomo Ne’eman wished everyone a successful year: “All the best to all students and teachers. We are beginning the school year on the right foot.”


The year commenced smoothly, with all students arriving at their respective schools without issue.

Over the summer, the council invested NIS 4.5 million in the construction and renovation of classrooms, schools, and pre-schools. The transportation budget reportedly stands at NIS 44.8 million.

Mayor of the Gush Etzion Regional Council and Chairman of the Yesha Council, Shlomo Ne’eman, wished everyone a successful year:

“All the best to all students and teachers. We are beginning the school year on the right foot.. Thank you to our education department, as well as the engineering, planning and control departments who worked throughout the summer so that everything would be ready in time for the start of the school year.”

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