Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wave to the crowd as they walk in the inaugural parade along Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., Jan. 21, 2013.

Say what you will, the Obamas look really good in official pictures. To select this image I went over several dozen free images available from the White House after the inauguration this week (Remember? We also had elections in America…) and in all of them, Barack and Michelle Obama are looking really cool.


Don’t knock it. Imagine if he was as bad at his job and also looked sloppy.

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Yori Yanover has been a working journalist since age 17, before he enlisted and worked for Ba'Machane Nachal. Since then he has worked for Israel Shelanu, the US supplement of Yedioth,,, Lubavitch News Service, Arutz 7 (as DJ on the high seas), and the Grand Street News. He has published Dancing and Crying, a colorful and intimate portrait of the last two years in the life of the late Lubavitch Rebbe, (in Hebrew), and two fun books in English: The Cabalist's Daughter: A Novel of Practical Messianic Redemption, and How Would God REALLY Vote.