Photo Credit: Screenshot

JTA’s Marcy Oster’s review of the latest in Israeli election politics (Who’s running in Israel’s September elections, explained) offers the unavoidable pearl “One party left out in the cold is an extremist group called Jewish Power, which has roots in the racist anti-Arab views of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane,” but otherwise it is fairly accurate. Oster lives in Ginot Shomron, on the “wrong” side of the green line, so how bad can her report be?

Our beef is not with Marcy, anyway, it’s with the telenovela montage the artist at JTA created to represent the new political realities in Israel (we lifted the screenshot as a fair use of content).


Look at the over-effeminized Ayelet Shaked leaning against the broad shoulders of General Benny Gantz, as a lechery Avigdor Liberman is staring at her upper body. And watch at a guilty-looking Benjamin Netanyahu contemplating his tumultuous future.

The lurking Liberman (brrr…) and the damsel in distress Shaked, next to the chivalrous Gantz are as misogynistic as they come and should upset women everywhere. If women understood politics.

OK, I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it, I apologize.

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