Photo Credit: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90
Israelis setting up an art installation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sitting on a food table, as part of a protest calling for financial support from the Israeli Government, at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on July 29, 2020.

A new anti-Netanyahu protest display featuring Prime Minister Netanyahu was set up Wednesday morning in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv by artist Itay Zalait.


Last year, Zalait created a statue of Minister Miri Regev in front of a mirror, and a gold statue of Netanyahu, both displayed in Rabin Square.

The display shows a large dining table on which fruit, wine and champagne bottles and pastries are placed. The prime minister sits alone at the center of the table, over a cake in the shape of the Israeli flag.

The display is tagged with a sign saying “The Last Supper.”

Some have seen the performance as an implicit threat to the prime minister’s life, because of what happened to the original diner at Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. On the other hand, Netanyahu is not surrounded by his disciples like that other man, perhaps because he has no disciples, so it’s possible that Judas Iscariot in this scenario has long been shown the door by Sara.

Incidentally, Itay Zalait served in the same elite special force, Sayeret Matkal, as Netanyahu.

Itay Zalait. Photo by: Eitan Elhadez-Barak/TPS

Photos by: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90

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