Photo Credit: Flash90
Israelis standing on top on a building as they visit in what was the Sa-Nur settlement, one of four Jewish settlements in northern Samaria that was evacuated of its Jewish residents in the 2005 Expulsion, July 21, 2015.

On Tuesday, Israelis who used to live in the northern Shomron town of Sa-Nur returned to see what was left of their former home.

The Jewish residents were expelled by the Sharon government in 2005, as part of the Disengagement.


Four towns in the Shomron were destroyed by Ariel Sharon and his forces.

Among those that came to visit were: Science Minister Danny Danon, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara and MK Yinon Magal.

Science Minister Danny Danon, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara and MK Yinon Magal pose for a picture during a visit in what was the Sa-Nur settlement.

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