Photo Credit: Israel Nature and Parks Authority
A seagull was rescued after swallowing a fishing line and becoming entangled.

During a routine fishing inspection in the Gulf of Eilat, a fisherman reported a seagull in distress. Eilat Marine Unit Inspector Omri Omusi and Authority volunteer Chen Avni rescued the bird, which had a fishing line in its mouth attached to a hook lodged deep in its throat. The line was also connected to iron hooks, one of which held a dead fish.

A seagull was rescued after swallowing a fishing line and becoming entangled. / Israel Nature and Parks Authority

The seagull received initial care from expert birdwatcher Noam Weiss, who attempted to remove the hook but was unsuccessful. It was then transferred to the Safari and Nature and Parks Authority Wildlife Hospital for further treatment.

A seagull was rescued after swallowing a fishing line and becoming entangled. / Israel Nature and Parks Authority

Dr. Ariella Rosenzweig described the situation: “The seagull arrived with a fishing line hanging from its mouth, indicating a hook was embedded inside. X-rays confirmed it was lodged in the esophagus. After initial treatment, we anesthetized the bird and carefully removed the hook using a rod threaded along the wire.”

A seagull was rescued after swallowing a fishing line and becoming entangled. / Israel Nature and Parks Authority

Sadly, such cases are common. Another seagull is currently hospitalized after a hook became stuck in its wing. Seagulls are particularly vulnerable, as they often mistake discarded hooks for food due to lingering bait scents.

After recovering, the seagull is released / Israel Nature and Parks Authority

This incident is one of many recent cases where wildlife has been accidentally harmed by fishing activities in Eilat, Omusi explained. Thankfully, after two weeks of rehabilitation, the seagull was successfully released back into the wild.

How the seagull got into trouble:

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