Here’s the Kretshnif Rebbe playing the violin for his Chassidim.
I know he’s having a good time. He looks content and inspired. But are his listeners enjoying themselves?
Why are they standing up? Are they expecting the music to be divinely inspired and therefore one must take it in with the respect expressed by standing down, rather than the comfort of sitting down?
And what is the Rebbe playing? You’d think it’s a Chassidic niggun, something very Giora Feidman, but isn’t that just too cliché?
Let me ask you, with their limited exposure to the outside culture, would the Chassidim even recognize ii if their Rebbe played some pop tune?
I was thinking, what if he’s playing “Yesterday,” by Lennon–McCartney?
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away / Now it looks as though they’re here to stay / Oh, I believe in yesterday
נעכטן, אַלע מיין קאָפּדרייעניש געווען אַזוי ווייַט אַוועק / איצט עס קוקט ווי כאָטש זיי ניטאָ דאָ צו בלייַבן / אָה, איך גלויבן אין נעכטן
Maybe not…