
Rebbetzin Bracha Leeds–Be an Influencer!

Rebbetzin Bracha Leeds is the Chabad emissary at the University of California in Berkeley.

Rebbetzin Chana Deutsch–Be Your Authentic Self. You are Enough

Rebbetzin Chana Deutsch, a member of the World Mizrachi Speakers Bureau, is a relationships expert and mentor.

Rebbetzin Rachel Tessler Lopatin–Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match

Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match! Rebbetzin Rachel Tessler Lopatin is a skilled matchmaker who brings people together.

Rebbetzin Channy Lapine: The Basics of Keeping Kosher (And Yes, Vegan Cheeseburgers are Okay)

Rebbetzin Channy Lapine is the co-director of the Chabad Jewish Center of Missouri University and Mid-Missouri.

Lori Palatnik Talks about Moshiach

Lori Palatnik is a world-renowned Jewish educator, speaker, writer and media personality. She is also the Founding Director of Momentum (formerly known as the JWRP.)

Vivian Perez–Jews Have Two Souls: Overcoming our Animal Soul Through Personal Growth (Tanya)

Vivian Perez teaches classes in Tanya and the Torah portion of the week (both in English and Spanish) in Bal Harbour, Florida.

Rebbetzin Lifshy Ajzenszmidt–How to Value Yourself–You are Important! (Self-acceptance/Self-Love)

Rebbetzin Lifshy Ajzenszmidt is the rebbetzin of South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation in Melbourne, Australia.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller–Navigating Life Through the Chaos–Responding to Life’s Challenges

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches us how to navigate life and move forward in our chaotic world. Our control is in how we choose to respond to situations. We are not in control of what happens to us, but we are in control over how we respond. She also talks about developing meaningful connections through spiritual bonding, which is what gives us true pleasure in life.

Rebbetzin Simone Broide of the Boca Raton Synagogue–Chesed Benefits the Giver AND the Receiver

Rebbetzin Simone Broide of the Boca Raton Synagogue discusses a variety of chesed activities that can be done by people of all ages.

Chana Weisberg: Elevating Yourself and Your Marriage Through the Mitzvah of Mikvah

Chana Weisberg is the editor of, the author of six books, and a speaker for My Gift of Mikvah.

Chany Rosengarten: Creating Boundaries–Know Who You Are and What You Want

Chany Rosengarten talks about the importance of creating boundaries in our lives in order to have healthy relationships with our husbands and children, and also in business.

Rebbetzin Chaya Chitrik–Revealed Goodness–A Life Changing Perspective

Rebbetzin Chaya Chitrik of Chabad of Istanbul, Turkey, shares with us some powerful life changing perspectives on seeing the revealed good in our lives.

Rebbetzin Chanie Goldman-Life Lessons Learned from Raising a Special Needs Child

Rebbetzin Chanie Goldman is the co-director of the Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center at the University of Florida in Gainesville

Rebbetzin Mimi David–The Unique Strengths of Jewish Women (Aish St. Louis)

Rebbetzin Mimi David, Director of Women's Education for Aish HaTorah in St. Louis, Missouri, instills in us pride for being a woman.

Rebbetzin Sarah Feldbrand–We CAN’T Control What Happens to us, but we CAN control our...

Rebbetzin Sarah Feldbrand talks about the importance of personal growth through working on your middos (character traits.)

Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz–Jews Are One Family; We Are All Responsible For Each Other

Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz is a writer, advocate, non-profit veteran, and co-founder of JWOW!, Jewish Women of Wisdom, a community for Orthodox midlife women.

Rebbetzin Goldie Plotkin–Link between Marital Intimacy & Abundance of Blessings (Chabad of Markham)

Marital intimacy brings us an abundance of blessings! Rebbetzin Goldie Plotkin explains all that and more!

Rebbetzin Sarah Feldbrand–We CAN’T Control What Happens to us, but we CAN control our...

Rebbetzin Sarah Feldbrand talks about the importance of personal growth through working on your middos (character traits).

Rebbetzin Ariela Davis Offers Perspectives on Finding Strength, Meaning and Resilience in Life

Rebbetzin Ariela Davis offers insightful perspectives on how women can find strength, meaning and resilience to face life's challenges through Torah learning.

Rebbetzin K. Sarah Cohen–Emuna, Bitachon and Hashgaha Pratis (Seeing G-d in Our Everyday Lives)

Rebbetzin K. Sarah Cohen gives a powerful interview on emunah and bitachon. She also talks about hasgaha pratis and seeing the hand of Hashem in every aspect of our lives.

Sunny Levi: Personal Prayer is a Life Changer

Sunny Levi is a 7th-degree black belt Taekwondo Master. Sunny also teaches women to be spiritually fit through her Hitbodedut Spiritual Bootcamp.

Raquel Kirszenbaum–G-d Doesn’t Always Give Us What We WANT; He Always Give Us What...

Raquel Kirszenbaum helps us redefine our definition of happiness. It's NOT comfort=pleasure=happiness; it's happiness=acceptance.

Rebbetzin Chaya Rivka Zwolinsky–The Hidden Secret to Healing Your Relationships

Rebbetzin Chaya Rivka is the leading teacher of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov's wisdom for women in North America

Rebbetzin Rochel Goldbaum–The Key to a Happy Marriage

Rebbetzin Rochel Goldbaum gives us the key to a happy marriage--delight in your differences.

Rebbetzin Gitty Blotner–The Power of the Jewish Woman

The power of a Jewish woman to create a Jewish home by setting a certain tone of love, warmth and nurturing, is underestimated.

Rebbetzin Batya Burd-Oved: How to Maintain Your Faith in G-d While Grieving a Loss

Rebbetzin Batya runs an organization called Western Wall Prayers that allows people from all over the world to access the transformative ritual of having a Torah scholar pray for them at the Western Wall for 40 days.

Rebbetzin Rachel Isaacs–The Importance of Being Yourself

Rebbetzin Rachel Isaacs, the rebbetzin at the Rebibo Center for Jewish life in Phoenix, Arizona, talks about the importance of being yourself.

Rebbetzin Tamar Taback–Rise into Your Ayshet Chayil (Woman of Valor) and Let Her Shine!

Rebbetzin Tamar Taback is the founder of the Nexus School for Transformational Torah.

Rebbetzin Sarah Korn: Countering Anti-Semitism on College Campuses

Rebbetzin Sarah Korn is the co-director of Chabad House Bowery. She runs a student center for downtown Manhattan universities.

Rebbetzin Brynie Stiefel– Yom Kippur: Making the Most of Your Mistakes (Chabad of Voronezh,...

Rebbetzin Brynie Stiefel of Chabad of Voronezh, Russia, talks about the real meaning behind the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, the holiday of atonement for our mistakes.


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