Miryam Swerdlov is the wise Jewish woman behind the inspirational and meaningful “Coffee with Miryam” videos and What’s App messages. In this very real, engaging and funny interview, Miryam talks to us about how to believe in ourselves and how to pursue the life path and mission that was meant uniquely for us. She warns us not to try to be somebody else–it’s important that we be ourselves because there is no one in the world who can fulfil the mission that was given specifically to us!

Miryam also encourages us to reach out to other people and connect with them. You never know how much a phone call or a visit means to someone. You can make a huge difference in a person’s life, just by extending yourself to include them.


Be real! Use what you have–your strengths, your abilities, your talents–in order to be the best you possible. Live your life to the fullest!

To watch “Coffee with Miryam,” click on the link below:

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Vera Kessler is a wife and mother of three children whose goal in life is to inspire Jewish women to live their lives with meaning and a strong connection to Hashem. As a vehicle for this mission, she created the America's Top Rebbetzins podcast, where she interviews inspiring rebbetzins who share their words of wisdom and unique insights on living a life filled with clarity and purpose.