Honor your father and mother is a strong Torah commandment (mitzvah). Your parents are your main teachers in life, imparting to you many valuable lessons. Rebbetzin Dassi Bigio, co-director of the Chabad House in San Andres, Colombia, talks about the life lessons that her father exemplified for her while she was growing up.

One important lesson that Rebbetzin Dassi’s father shared with her is to always think about other people. Life is not all about you, so don’t be selfish. Think about others and what they need, and try to provide it for the,


Rebbetzin Dassi’s father also taught her to never give up. Her father was very goal-oriented and was always working on achieving his goals. He faced many great challenges along the way, but he never stopped believing in his goals and he never stopped working toward them.

Another life lesson that Rebbetzin Dassi shared from her father was the idea of thinking big. When you have a dream, thought or goal, don’t limit yourself. Think big.

In addition, we spoke about the obligation of honoring your parents, even if they were abusive or neglectful, as well as if they tell you to do things that you don’t agree with, or actions that go against the Torah.

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Vera Kessler is a wife and mother of three children whose goal in life is to inspire Jewish women to live their lives with meaning and a strong connection to Hashem. As a vehicle for this mission, she created the America's Top Rebbetzins podcast, where she interviews inspiring rebbetzins who share their words of wisdom and unique insights on living a life filled with clarity and purpose.