Jewish women light shabbat (shabbos) candles every Friday night. This is a very special time when we take a deep breath, pause, and truly connect with Hashem (G-d), our Creator. This mitzvah is a connection point from us to G-d, to our fellow Jewish women, and to each other. Girls begin lighting shabbos candles at the age of 3 years old. From the age of 3 until they are married, girls light one shabbos candle. Once the girl is married, she lights two candles, and then adds additional candles for every child that she has.

Shabbos candle lighting is a time of deep introspection and connection to Hashem. We ask for His blessings for ourselves, our family members, the members of our community, and for all the Jews in the world. Friday night, right after lighting the shabbat candles, is an ideal time for us to speak directly to Hashem in our own words.


Shabbos candles are sometimes called “neshek,” which stands for neirot shabbos kodesh, the holy shabbat candles. They are the secret weapon of all Jewish women who bring holiness to the world by literally creating a light in the darkness when they kindle the shabbat candles.

Rebbetzin Zeesy Deren encourages us to be mindful by focusing on where you are right now and what you are doing right now. She tells us to single task, instead of multi-task. This makes life more meaningful, and offers us opportunities for connection. We have so many things going on in our lives, but we need to surrender to what Hashem wants for us. We need to have menucha–complete comfort and rest, knowing that Hashem placed us wherever we are in life by Divine providence; we are exactly where we need to be at this time because it was Divinely ordained for us.

Rebbetzin Zeesy encourages us to speak with Hashem in our own words throughout the week so that we can maintain a strong connection to Him at all times.

Rebbetzin Zeesy is the director of Sinai Academy Jewish International School and Cape Town Torah High School. She is also the female spiritual leader of Blouberg Jewish Community Centre. She gives ongoing “soul talks” in her community, sharing her passion of bringing people closer to their soul source. She is a facilitator of Echadoneness (, where she helps Jewish women explore Jewish mindfulness and meditation.

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Vera Kessler is a wife and mother of three children whose goal in life is to inspire Jewish women to live their lives with meaning and a strong connection to Hashem. As a vehicle for this mission, she created the America's Top Rebbetzins podcast, where she interviews inspiring rebbetzins who share their words of wisdom and unique insights on living a life filled with clarity and purpose.