On the Way to America

Now, the time has come for all of His children to return home to Zion. October 7 was not just any ordinary day. It was a Divinely-Orchestrated wake-up call in Israel and for Jews all over the world.

“Let My People Stay!”

Today the cry of the Jewish leadership throughout the Diaspora has been twisted into the very opposite: “Let my people stay!”

All Jews in Five Towns Should Evacuate Immediately!

We will be discussing the most pertinent and important issues regarding the in-gathering of the exiles and bringing the Jewish people back to their homeland via Jewish Aliyah to Israel.

Prophetic Current Events

The Dvar Torah from Rav Nachman Kahana for this week's Parshat Bo.

Are Jews in the Exile Doomed?

We speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about the state of Jews in America.

Will the European Nations be Welcome in Israel in Messianic Times?

Rav Nachman Kahana discusses current events and this week's Torah Portion of VaYishlach.

What if…?

We read over the Torah teaching from Rav Nachman Kahana as he speaks about how Jewish history could have been very different!

Don’t be Caught in Exile When the Curtain Closes!

We speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about the end of exile and the beginning of redemption, Parshat Lach Lecha.

Only 5 1/2 Hours Left Before the Final Redemption!

We speak to Rav Nachman Kahana about this week's Torah portion of Noach and current events in Israel and around the world.

You Thought 5781 was a Doozy? Just Wait for 5782!

Rav Nachman Kahana speaks about this past year and anticipates a crazy next year!

Will This Topsy Turvey World Lead to the Return of the Jews?

We speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about current events and this week's Parsha.

Are You Prepared for the War of all Wars?

Rav Nachman Kahana provides some insights from our sages into what we can expect to unfold in the future.

Are You Willing to Sacrifice or Will You be Sacrificed?

Rav Nachman Kahana speaks about Eretz Yisrael and Parshat Re'eh.

Are We Getting Closer to Moshiach or Further Away?

We Speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about Moshiach and the Torah Portion of Eikev.

Is this the Beginning of the End?

Rav Nachman Kahana warns American Jewry to come home now, or at least send your children!

The World Seems to be Collapsing Around Us!

Rav Nachman speaks about current events and this weeks parsha, Parshat Pinchas.

Don’t be Afraid to Make the Move, The Stopwatch is Counting Down!

Rav Nachman Kahana speaks about this weeks Parsha Balak and some current events. He adds a message for the Jews still in Exile.

Change and Instability are Recipes for Moshiach

We speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about current events and this weeks Torah portion.

What’s Going On in Israel? Is This the End, or Just the Beginning?

Rav Nachman gives his opinion about this great period of Jewish history we are living through right now!

Israel is Leading up to the Final Redemption

Rav Nachman Kahana speaks about this weeks Parsha and the birth pains that Israel is currently going through.

Never a Dull Moment – Parsha and Current Events

We speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about this week's Parsha and the craziness that's happening around the globe and in Eretz Yisrael.

Israel is About to be Transformed – Don’t Miss it!

Rav Nachman Kahana speaks about current events and what it all means for you!


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/bring-them-home-with-josh-wander/on-the-way-to-america/2024/05/30/

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