A New Year’s Letter from Rav Nachman Kahana to Hashem

In this episode we hear Rabbi Nachman Kahana speak about his innermost thoughts before Rosh Hashana.

Next Year in Jerusalem is Just a Song…

Join us as we read a pre-Passover piece from Rav Nachman Kahana.

An Unadulterated Honest Discussion with an American Rabbi about Aliyah

In this episode we speak with Rabbi Steven Pruzansky who was the rabbi of one of the largest Orthodox shuls in America, Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, NJ, who has made Aliyah this past week.

Come Home Now and Save Yourselves!

Rav Nachman Kahana makes a powerful plea to Jews living outside the Land and criticizes the spiritual leaders around the world for not encouraging...

The Moment of Truth – Are you Siding with Yaakov or Esav?

In this episode we speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about the Parsha and current events of the final Kibbutz Guliyot.

Don’t Delay, Yellow Stars are on the Way

We speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about the Parshat HaShavua and current events. It's time to act, come home or be prepared to defend yourselves!

Last Call for Jews in America to get off the Train before the Inevitable...

We speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about chaotic current events in America and his call for Jews to return home before it is too late! 

The Parasha and the US Elections

In this episode Rav Nachman Kahana speaks about the connection between this week's Parsha of Chaye Sarah, this results of the US election and his brother HY"D

On the Way to America

Now, the time has come for all of His children to return home to Zion. October 7 was not just any ordinary day. It was a Divinely-Orchestrated wake-up call in Israel and for Jews all over the world.

Eyes that Cannot See, Ears that Cannot Hear

In this episode we read Rav Nachman Kahana's insightful perspective on so called Zionist Organizations, The American Jewish "Leadership" and the future of the State of Israel.

Tazria-Metzorah and Yom Ha’atzma’ut 5781

Rav Nachman Kahana's Dvar Torah on the Parsha and Israel Independence Day.

The Magical String of Techlet, Aliyah and Pesach

What does Magical String of Techlet, Aliyah and Pesach have to do with each other? Listen to this episode to find out!

Live with Historian Yehuda Geberer – From Exile to Redemption

We speak with local historian/podcaster Yehuda Geberer about the history of the religious Jewish return to Eretz Yisrael from the Middle Ages to the Holocaust.

Are Jews in the Exile Doomed?

We speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about the state of Jews in America.

Don’t be Caught in Exile When the Curtain Closes!

We speak with Rav Nachman Kahana about the end of exile and the beginning of redemption, Parshat Lach Lecha.

What’s Going On in Israel? Is This the End, or Just the Beginning?

Rav Nachman gives his opinion about this great period of Jewish history we are living through right now!

The World Seems to be Collapsing Around Us!

Rav Nachman speaks about current events and this weeks parsha, Parshat Pinchas.

A Jew Living in Exile is a Mental Illness

In this episode we will discuss more current events revolving around the opening of Yeshivas and Seminaries in Israel and why we need to bring them home now!

Should we Ignore All the Rabbis Who Tell Us to Stay in America?

In this episode we speak with Rabbi Danny Myers of Beit Shemesh about the sensitive and delicate question of when we should be listening to our rabbis and when we should take a broader perspective of their words

What if…?

We read over the Torah teaching from Rav Nachman Kahana as he speaks about how Jewish history could have been very different!

Is Hashem Winnowing Out the “Undesirable Jews” in Exile?

For Parshat Breishet Rav Nachman Kahana has a very strongly worded Dvar Torah encouraging Jews to come home before it is too late!

Moshiach is Here! Now What Are You Going to Do About It?

In this fascinating episode we have a candid conversation with Rabbi Pinchas Winston about the concept of Moshiach, and reveal if perhaps we are living in his era today!

Don’t be Afraid to Make the Move, The Stopwatch is Counting Down!

Rav Nachman Kahana speaks about this weeks Parsha Balak and some current events. He adds a message for the Jews still in Exile.

Member of Knesset Explains New Regulations Allowing Yeshiva Students to Study in Israel

In this episode MK Rabbi Yitzchak Pindrus speaks with us about new government regulations allowing Yeshiva students and Seminary girls to come and study in Israel and his efforts to make all Jews feel welcome home in Israel.

What is the Real Purpose of Kohanic Blessings?

In this episode we speak to Rav Nachman Kahana about the real meaning of Kohanim and what happens when they bless the nation.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/bring-them-home-with-josh-wander/a-new-years-letter-from-rav-nachman-kahana-to-hashem/2020/09/13/

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