Investing is more than just throwing money in the stock market. If everyone’s goal was to grow their portfolio, then shouldn’t everyone do the same thing?

In this week’s show, Doug and his son Efraim, go through the 6-step checklist that every investor needs to use. Listen to understand why it’s so important to have a goals that match your values and beliefs before you put money in the market.


The 6-Step Checklist to Investing

Set goals for you and your family

Get the facts about all your holdings and where you are saving money and paying money
Identify upcoming potential financial opportunities and challenges, in order to prepare accordingly
Create an actual investment plan that is suitable to your tolerance risk level
Action! Implement your financial plan
Review and follow up on a regular basis. Some numbers need to be looked at monthly, quarterly, and annually

The Goldstein On Gelt Show is a financial podcast. Click on the player below to listen. 

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Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd, a financial planning and investment services firm specializing in working with Americans living in Israel who have investment accounts in America. He is a licensed financial professional both in the U.S. and Israel.