Photo Credit: Alexandra Markus

Last week the controversial Gay Parade took place in Jerusalem. A huge debate took place on David Ha’ivri’s Facebook page. Hundreds of comments ping ponged back and forth. Many say that Jerusalem as the holy city to Jews and others should not be the place to express homosexuality and sexual issues in general. Others bused in from Tel Aviv and elsewhere to show their support for the gay agenda in the capital.

On today’s show we will hear from two guests who have opposite opinions regarding the Gay event in Jerusalem.


Jerusalem social media personality Irene Rabinowitz will explain why she as a religious person and a resident of Jerusalem feels that gay people should be accepted in the religious community.

Israeli blogger, Brian of London, a secular Tel Avivian will explain why he is content with the Gay Parade in Tel Aviv and doesn’t feel that this needs to be held in Jerusalem as well.

Brian will also give some perspective on the the exploitation of the Israeli Druze community by the Left wing New Israel Fund and their campaign against a Jewish Israel. And some updates from the bizarre Tommy Robertson arrest and imprisonment in the UK.

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