Accused of Treason: The US Army’s Witch Hunt for a Jewish Spy – The...

Dr. David A. Tenenbaum, an Orthodox Jew who specialized in developing safety devices for US Troops in Humvees fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq had his program terminated, as his superiors and colleagues attempted to frame him for Treason - spying for Israel

BDS Activists At University Of Toronto Want To Erase Jewish Groups From Campus –...

For years in America, Hollywood celebrities vowed to move to Canada if a Republican won the Presidential elections. Why Canada? Because Canada is our neighbor where everyone is polite, respectful, and nice to one another.

The True History of Viruses & Pandemics, and What the Media is NOT Telling...

Dr. Richard Gunderman, author of Contagion, goes through the history of Viruses and Bacteria, Without any of the "Celebrity" or "Flashiness" of Cable News "Experts."

Interview with Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger – The Definitive Rap [audio]

Dr. Wollschlaeger, who grew up as a Catholic in Bamburg Germany, is the author of “A German Life: Against All Odds

Biden Abandons Israel at the UN – The Definitive Rap [audio]

Interview with Award-Winning Journalist, Senior Editor-in Chief at the Jewish News Syndicate, Jonathan Tobin, to discuss his recent columns, including on the Biden Administration abandoning Israel on a crucial UN vote on the UNRWA support for the Palestinians, from a column titled:

Interview with Former US Senator Joe Lieberman – The Definitive Rap [audio]

The book will give you insight into Senator Lieberman’s political accomplishments, reveals his sense of humor, and he shares very important lessons for those seeking office who want to make a difference and get things done!

Mississippi Abortion Case: Will SCOTUS Overturn Roe V. Wade? – The Definitive Rap [audio]

Interview with Law Professor Thane Rosenbaum, the brilliant columnist/essayist and analyst, and is also the CBS News Radio Legal analyst.

YESHA Council’s response to Ben & Jerry’s – The Definitive Rap [audio]

After weeks of debate and discussion, Yigal Dilmoni, CEO of the YESHA Council, answers the million dollar question; What steps the Kof-K Kosher supervision should take in collaboration with Unilever to reverse the blatantly antisemitic Ben & Jerry's boycott, specifically targeting Israel.

Is the ADL Combating or Koshering Antisemitism? – The Definitive Rap [audio]

The CEO of the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt THIS year, took it upon himself to re-define T’shuva.

Remembering the Heroic IDF Rescue at Entebbe – The Definitive Rap [audio]

On the 45th Anniversary, Former IDF General, Matan Vilnai, Recalls the Operational Planning and Greatest Military Hostage Rescue in History

School Boards Push-Back against Holocaust Education – The Definitive Rap [audio]

Interview with Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action

Interview with Dr. Marc Straus – The Definitive Rap [audio]

When I first started reading the book, for those of you who watch TV, I thought it was something like 'The Goldberg’s' meet 'The Wonder years'

Meet #JEXIT; This Generation’s leaders educating American Jews – The Definitive Rap [audio]

Today’s very special guests, from the group #Jexit - Jews Exiting the Democratic Party - are educating American Jews about the Democrats and their abandonment of Israel and the Jewish people.

Exposing The Propaganda War Against Israel – The Definitive Rap [audio]

Have you ever wondered how activists and media outlets can just lie and mispresent the truth about Israel and their battle against terrorists who are always playing the victim card, claiming they are engaging in “justified resistance?”

Debunking the Many Myths of a “Palestinian Arab” Entity – The Definitive Rap [audio]

The “Palestinian Issue” Discredited by the Abraham Accords and Historical Facts; Interview with Peter Baum, Member - Board of Deputies of British Jews

The Squad, Iron Dome & Antisemitism in the Classroom – The Definitive Rap [audio]

Interview with the ZOA's Liz Berney, ESQ., National Director of Research and Special Projects

“Bankrupting Terrorism – One Lawsuit at a Time!” – The Definitive Rap [audio]

Shurat HaDin Law Center undertakes civil actions against Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PLO, The Palestinian Authority, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Egypt, North Korea, UBS, and the Lebanese Canadian Bank. The cases, being tried in Israeli, American, Canadian and European jurisdictions, allow the victims of terrorism to fight back.


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