An Economic Game Changer in Time of the Coronavirus – From Jerusalem With Love...
Orly talks to a scholar John Villanaueva about the impotence of cyber security during and after the corona outbreak. She also wishes the world a full and speedy recovery.
We need more love to go around & happy Tu B’Av – From Jerusalem...
Orly speaks about the situation in the middle east, taking an example from the 2013 US resolve in Syria. Hoping for a better conclusion for Syria today.
Happy Valentines Day! – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Orly talks about love to God, friends, and neighbor.
Counting Down to Shavuot – Accepting God’s Rule Above All – From Jerusalem With...
Orly talks about the state of affairs in the Middle East, and the balance of power between America, Russia china and Iran
Time to Talk Nice – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Gratitude and kindness will take you a long way. Listen in as Orly remarks on the Academy Awards, and speaks with guest, Daniël Gerritsen from the Netherlands, and Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein, author of the book, "G-d Versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry".
A Call for Peace in this Age of Wonder – From Jerusalem With Love...
Orly talks to Mr. Draiman , the former candidate for mayor of Los Angeles 2017 about the Jewish community's efforts agents antisemitism.
Coming to Terms with Reality – From Jerusalem with Love [audio]
From Israel to the USA and the Palestinian issue.
Going Back to the Old Testament to Show Us the Way – From Jerusalem...
Orly weighs in her thoughts about the Vice Presidential Debate.
Come Back to God – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Orly talks about the ways we can redeem ourselves by understanding the role we play and our mission here, in the state of Israel.
Can’t We All Just Get Along? – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
In this show Orly talks about the need for a religious center here in Israel for the whole world. Orly also talks about the upcoming flag march in Jerusalem and the challenges we face in Israel and world.
Summer 2018, A Game Changer – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Orly Benny Davis interviews Daniel Zirlin about life as an adviser in the Knesset.
Orly Wishes You A Happy Passover! – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Happy Passover! Orly Benny Davis says we have to all come together (even 'virtually') in this incredible time of challenge as the world is under lock-down from the coronavirus. She speaks with friends from Israel to South Carolina to California. Visit the Passover tourism website at: Happy Passover!
We Must Keep the Faith! – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Orly reminds us all that the US elections are not done, and there are still many days until we know the real results!
Goodbye, My Good Old Friend – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Orly shears an old interview with Yehuda Barkan, a good old friend who passed away recently. She also interviews Ilan Ronen, who tries to crate resources, food and opportunities for poor people in Ethiopia. Orly also interviews Phd. Hillel Weiss, who is a professor and researcher Bar Ilan University and the talk about the needs to recognize the rights of the Jews on the Temple Mount in every upcoming peace agreement and the Abraham Accord.
We Need Change! – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Orly talks about elections and how the world an Israel need to change!
Its Time to Liberate Lebanon from Her Oppressor – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Orly speaks to Dr. Mordechai Keidar is a researcher Associates in the Begin Sadat Center for strategics Study, about the explosion in Lebanon. Orly calls upon world leaders to stand up for freedom.
Great Times, Take Great Courage – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Pray to God to give us the wisdom to know what to do. our world is falling on its head, but don't worry, Orly is here to make sense of it all and straighten your head. Orly takes a stand for woman rights, and she will not let people stomp on woman no more.
Life is Shifting in the Mid-East, Danger is Close – From Jerusalem With Love...
Calling all angels, life is too short to wait and watch.
Saluting God – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
in time of change and challenges, everlasting faith is needed. Orly explains how to get there.
History Lessons That Shape Today’s Politics – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Orly talks about the global situation of politics and the risk we all take. She also speaks with Hanna, a young woman here in Israel, about their experiences at Yad V'Shem, Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.
Coming Together In a Challenging Time Needs A Common Denominator – From Jerusalem With...
Orly response on recent events.
Israel, Inside & Out – From Jerusalem with Love [audio]
Orly delivers passion behind the mic!
Time For Reconciliation – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
The world is coming to the line of understanding. In this exciting show Orly interviews Rabbi Shlomo Katz who is ALSO a singer. He has a very important blessing to the world. Orly also talks about world peace, and how we should all stop fighting and take care of the world God gave us.
From Jerusalem Day, to a Call to Liberate the Temple Mount – From Jerusalem...
Orly also explains the impotence of the Temple Mount and criticizes PM Benjamin Netanyahus decision to close the Mount only to Jews.
The Power of Truth – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Orly talks about trusting in the path of wisdom. She also talks about understanding the tradition and role of the Jewish people in the midst of all the global political disaster.
The Arabs reject the latest do-gooder peace initiative and the winner is Israel! The Torah explains Arab resistance in clear detail. Eerie, magical or, indeed, holy? You decide!
Happy Passover – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
Reminiscing the Holy Temple while witnessing the Notre Dame being burned.
Life Is What You Make Of It – From Jerusalem with Love [audio]
The truth that must be sung out loud.
Leaving Afghanistan Was the Only Choice America Had – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]
its time to make a plan to overcome the newst challenges the wold needs to overcome. america is still the rolling superpower of the world and they our support