No Side Salad for You!!! – Lighten Up! [audio]

Roya and Steven talk about the dumbest story ever, Angry School Board members & George Santos dream of becoming Ms Gay Rio Dijenero. And much much more on Lighten Up

Matt Quits – Lighten Up! [audio]

This week Steven and Matt return to the airwaves after visiting each other's countries and take on the world of Jew hatred and how not to handle it.

Beauty Pageants – Israel vs Saudi Arabia, Trump Unloads on BB – Lighten Up!...

Political Correctness invades Miss Universe pageant in Israel. Camels are barred from their beauty pageants in Saudi Arabia - for botox treatments. Can't make this stuff up. And Donald Trump Unloads on Benjamin Netanyahu, ooh boy.

Joe Biden, Does He See Dead People? – Lighten Up! [audio]

Steve welcomes back Roya Mohsenian as they discuss a pigeon accused of being a Chinese Spy

Dumpster Diving with Freegans – Lighten Up! [audio]

This week Steven and Matt discuss dumpster diving. Is this really going to be a thing? Also, the link between testosterone levels and being conservative, choosing dogs by Zodiac signs, Bnei Brith takes back a Mazel Tov, and the sanctification of G-d's name.

Mossad Trained Spy Dolphins, Oh My – Lighten Up! [audio]

This week Steven and Matt talk about Israeli trained dolphins spying on Hamas, Gaza's version of Fauda (playing a Jew can be dangerous in Gaza) and the Texas synagogue standoff.

Jews are the Real Black’s – Lighten Up! [audio]

Lighten Up welcomes our first guest host Lenny Goldberg! Where we discuss everything from Greta Thunberg to Florida man trying to escape America and go back to Cuba!

Post Passover Program – Lighten Up! [audio]

This week Steven and Matt share Passover stories and offer up more Bible movie reviews. Plus, they discuss the death of mask mandates, trans-women (AKA biological men) competing in full contact, women's sports, and it's Barbara Streisand's Birthday.

Santa is an Antisemite!!! – Lighten Up! [audio]

Steven and two special guest hosts Tara Mizrachi and Yaakov Koren discuss everything from massages by Russians, to free airline seats for fat people.

Kanye 2024!!! – Lighten Up! [audio]

Matt Zucker returns to Guest Host on Lighten Up! We close out Hannukah and list the 10 craziest Florida man headlines for 2022.

Jewish Power! – Lighten Up [audio]

Steven welcomes special guest Host Lenny Goldberg from the show The Jewish Truth Bomb!

Biden, Camilla & Flatulence OH My! – Lighten Up! [audio]

Camilla Parker Bowles will never forget Joe Biden and Matt Zucker calls in from his kitchen only on Lighten Up!!

Searching for a Unhappy Israeli – Lighten Up! [audio]

This week Steve and Matt discuss the NY Times comical search for unhappy Israelis, Syrian Jews from New York return to Syria. For Dental work? Ground breaking marriage in the conservative Jewish movement and how to lose your Jew card.

WAR SPECIAL: The Story Behind the Story! – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

*A Revealed Miracle! *The Story behind the Story! *A War With No Sides *Ukraine, EU & Taiwan

Hairballs & Bad Accents – Lighten Up! [audio]

Steve and Yosef discuss the world's largest hairball!!!

Hotels & Diabetes – Lighten Up! [audio]

Steve and Roya discuss being Stranded in the Bushland of Australia with wine and candy and much much more...

You Think the Bombs in Gaza are Bad? – Lighten Up! [audio]

Steven's Co host flakes and he's forced to do the show by himself!

Jews of Jersey – Lighten Up! [audio]

This week Steven and Matt discuss troubles in the airline industry, the Japanese government wants their youth to drink more booze, schadenfreude at the misfortune of a miserable Jew hater, and, of course, Florida man. This and much more, on this week's Lighten Up.

Biden His Time – Lighten Up! [audio]

This week Steven and Matt talk about Joe Biden's trip to Israel. An Israeli company will test if fecal bacteria pills boost cancer immunotherapy, and how the recent Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha sounds remarkably like the binding of Isaac, from the Torah.

Jew Got to Be Kidding Me – Lighten Up! [audio]

This week Steven and Matt give their takes on Biden's new press secretary. Hint - she doesn't like Jews. A Mexican wedding with a Hitler theme, Jewish gangsters who fought Nazis in the streets of New York, a doctor who didn't use soap for 5 years and dead or not dead. What would it be like to wake up in a coffin?

The Arab Israeli Conflict: The Musical? – Lighten Up! [audio]

Steven sings songs from this new musical called Abraham's Land and A woman nurses her cat on an airplane. These stories and more on this week's Lighten Up

I Love Me Some Mayonnaise Cologne – Lighten Up! [audio]

Steven and Roya discuss the Tranny Olympics & the theft of breakdancing by white people

Living in a Bomb Shelter! – Lighten Up! [audio]

Matt Zucker joins Steve in his first show from the Holy Land!!

Composting and Slurpees!! – Lighten Up! [audio]

Roya and Steven discuss being buried with food and Racist stoves! And much much more on Lighten Up

Pure Moronacy – Lighten Up! [audio]

Join Steven and Matt for their July 4th broadcast. Plus, listener mail, Ben and Jerry's update, , more schadenfreude, and more Bible movie reviews. This week on Lighten Up.

Tough Jews! – Lighten Up! [audio]

Lighten Up welcomes special guest host Aaron Hadida !! Aaron and Steve discuss everything from Kanye to A beauty pageant for Camels!

Biden Goes to Israel – Lighten Up! [audio]

This week Steven and Matt review President Biden's trip to Israel and the Middle East. Gaffes galore! Jill Biden's fascination with breakfast tacos, a newly discovered self portrait of Vincent Van Gogh. And Snoop Dog pays homage to Joe Biden. All this, and more, on tis weeks Lighten Up


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