The Super-Supernatural Purim – News From The Torah [audio]

Join us to discover the depth of the power of Purim as all of us reach out to friends and family to celebrate this holiday together

Do the child-free have a future? – News From The Torah [audio]

As our society places less and less importance on relationships and children, is it losing its chance for a future? As Yaakov builds his family in Haran, join me to apply his lessons to our lives

The Legacy of the Lubavitche Rebbe – News From The Torah [audio]

As we mark the day of Lubavitcher Rebbe's passing, please join us for a look at his legacy, leadership and a special bond with Binyamin Netanyahu

Dream a Little Dream – News From The Torah [audio]

Join me as we explore how to harness the power of our dreams to create the change in the world inside and outside of us, following in the footsteps of Joseph and the Baal Hatanya (whose holiday of redemption we will be celebrating this week).

Are you ready to enter YOUR Promised Land? – News From The Torah [audio]

What is your personal "promised land"? Join us to explore the tools and obstacles for entering our own "Promised Land" as individuals and as a people.

Tisha B’Av – From Destruction to Vision – News From The Torah [audio]

On Tisha B'Av we mourn for the Temple. How is this relevant in our life? How can we rebuild our reality, our relationships, and the Temple by finally understanding what we are mourning for.

From Avraham to Rachel – Living a Life of Principle – News From The...

As we read about Avraham's ultimate sacrifice and mark the day of Rachel's passing today, please join me to explore what living a life of principle and values can look like today. If you'd like to join me on Tuesday at Kever Rachel - Rachel's resting place (live or via Zoom), please go to www.

Bilaam or Abraham – Who is your model? – News From The Torah [audio]

Join us as we explore how the Bilaam approach to judging the other plays out in our life with negative stereotypes of the Torah community is the secular media

Play Your Part! – News From The Torah [audio]

Please join us for a discussion of the stand off between the forces of Eisav and Yaakov - then and now. Plus, if you would like to play your part in helping us help our Jewish brothers and sisters from Russia and Ukraine please reach out to me at [email protected]

Come Out of the Closet – News From The Torah [audio]

Join us to discuss how clothing shapes our thinking, our emotions and our service of God as we read about the priestly garments in this week's Torah portion

We Celebrate Life! – News From The Torah [audio]

As Yaakov's life comes to a close, join me for a discussion of the Jewish value of life contrary to the Palestinian cult of death

Yaakov and Esau – Can They Ever Get Along? – News From The Torah...

Join us to explore the divergence of Western and Jewish values as we learn about the twin brothers that never get along - Yaakov and Esau

Living the Ten Commandments – News From The Torah [audio]

From the Texas hostage taking to the Israeli conversion reform, the 10 commandments are as relevant today as the day they were given

Rachel and Leah – Will Their Pathes Ever Meet? – News From The Torah...

Join us to explore the divergent paths of our foremothers Rachel and Leah, who together built the House of Israel

Yom Kippur – The biggest news in town – News From The Torah [audio]

Yom Kippur - the holiest day of the Jewish year is the biggest news this coming week. How do you approach God to truly atone for the deeds of the past? How do we ensure that the connection of this day stays with us as we go forward, and how is Yom Kippur especially relevant this year? Join us to find out.

God is Calling – Where is Your Voice? – News from the Torah [audio]

As we start a new book of Vaikra (Leviticus), join us to explore the news stories that call on you to speak up and make your voice heard.

Being a Jew in the Middle East – News From the Torah [audio]

From the times of Avraham till today, please join me to explore what it is like to live as a Jew in the Middle...

Elul – the YOU-turn for getting unstuck – News From The Torah [audio]

It's Elul. Are you ready for the YOU-turn of teshuva? Join my conversation with Rabbi Dr. Shimshon Meir Frankel about his method (and book) The Wisdon of Getting Unstuck. Plus is teshuva all about anxiety and guilt or joy and authenticity? Find out more in the last segment and at my upcoming YOU-TURN Retreat at

Channeling the Spiritual Energy of the Summer – News From The Torah [audio]

The summer has amazing spiritual energy for growth and also many challanges. Join us for a discussion of Torah advice on how to use the summer for amazng spiritual achievements, while avoiding the pitfalls.

The Weekly Reading To Learn From – News From the Torah [audio]

Leah Aharoni talks about this week's Torah reading, and what we can learn from it. She also has a message for non-Jewish listeners.

Sweat the Little Stuff – News From The Torah [audio]

Ben and Jerry's, My Unorthodox Life and the little things - it's all about the relationship. Join us to hear this week's Torah portion's perspective

Leadership in tragedy – From Pinchas to Surfside – News From The Torah [audio]

Join us as we meet the new generation of Jewish leaders on the cusp of entering the Land of Israel, take these lessons to modern days, and pray for the missing victims of the Surfside Condo collapse

Are You Feeling Seen? – News From The Torah [audio]

As we start the new book of Shmot/Exodus, join us for a discussion of how we make ourselves and others feel seen.

Parshat Bamidbar – From Meron to Shavuot – Every Person Counts – News from...

As we start the new book of Bamidbar (Numbers), please join us for a closer look at who is responsible for the tragedy of Meron and how to make sure that each and everyone one of us and our children feels seen and acknowledged.

Prayer, Gifts, and War – Yaakov and Esau Revisited – News From The Torah...

Join us to discuss how we can fight off the toxic cultural influences around us, as we read the story of Yaakov's encounter with Esav.

Dealing with Fear and Anxiety – News From the Torah [audio]

In these tense times, when many people experience anxiety, fear and tension, join us to discuss the Torah way of dealing with these (and other) hard emotions and how to harness the light of Chanuka to light your path

Let Go of the Baggage in the New Year – News From The Torah...

What if Rosh Hashana could become your time of healing, of reclaiming happiness and innocence. Join us to hear just how that happens as God judges us in the most loving way

The Makings of a Sweet Year – News From The Torah [audio]

As all of us are about to stand before God on Rosh Hashana, join us as we explore how to make this year different, better, and sweeter than ever. If you have been carrying around a revolving list of New Year resolutions, wondering how to grow in your relaionship with God and make your life more positive, all the answers are inside this episode - right from the Torah - including a guided meditation on healing your emotions that can be accessed here

Don’t Lose Your Sanctity – News From The Torah [audio]

As we mark the Holocaust Rememberance Day, while following the news out of Ukraine, this weeks Torah portion invites us to regain our sanctity before the world loses its human image.


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