The Emperor of Palestine’s New Clothes – Phantom Nation [audio]
Israel needs to strip the enemy of his disguise
Anti-Jew Jews – Phantom Nation [audio]
The enemy within.
10/7, Religiously Speaking – Phantom Nation [audio]
Connecting the Holocaust and Our Nightmare
Educating M. Huckabee – Phantom Nation [audio]
He’s great but weak on Islam
Parashas Yisro – Phantom Nation [audio]
What gentiles do better than Jews
Good news from D.C. – Phantom Nation [audio]
It's a new world in Washington
Israel the Loser so far – Phantom Nation [audio]
Trump's downside, ignorance and arrogance
Israel’ Tragic Dereliction – Phantom Nation [audio]
Israel need laws just for Muslims
Israel’s Tragic Dereliction – Phantom Nation [audio]
Israel need laws just for Muslims
The Defective Post-Jewish Israel Mind – Phantom Nation [audio]
Israelis are too proud of their compassion
Israel Misreads the Enemy – Phantom Nation [audio]
Israel thinks its enemy is "terrorists"
The Destruction in Gaza is Staggering – Phantom Nation [audio]
It should only be complete
Jews Are Under Attack!!! – Political Hitman [audio]
It's war against the Jews of the world! In this must listen to episode, Howie has a solution to the attack on world Jewry!
Israel’s Chronic Hellenistic Temptation – Phantom Nation [audio]
Stop pleaslng the gentiles!
The Stability of Arab Instability – Phantom Nation [audio]
Syria's Old-New Regime
Ethnic Cleansing? What Is It? – Phantom Nation [audio]
It is the history of mankind
The Enemy’s Long Range Plan – Phantom Nation [audio]
The Arabs can wait.
The Enemy’s Long Range Plan – Phantom Nation [audio]
The Arabs can wait.
Don’t Return Gaza to 2005! – Phantom Nation [audio]
The enemy in Gaza has to leave!
Ethnic Cleansing? Yes! – Phantom Nation [audio]
Israel has the right to ethnically cleanse its country
Wonderful News – Phantom Nation [audio]
Giving UNRWA the Heave-Ho.
The Barbaric East – Phantom Nation [audio]
What separates the civilized West from the barbaric East
Jew vs. Jewish – Phantom Nation [audio]
They are not the same.
Israel’s Clown Critics – Phantom Nation [audio]
Israel's brilliance sets them off
David Friedman’s Peace Plan – Phantom Nation [audio]
A prisoner of the "Palestinians"
Israel’s Enemy Neanderthals – Phantom Nation [audio]
No evil greater than Hamas.
Israel’s Bolsheviks – Phantom Nation [audio]
The Mixed Multitude strikes again
Bibi’s Tragic Flaw – Phantom Nation [audio]
Secular Jew is an oxymoron.
Israel’s Toxic Lexicon – Phantom Nation [audio]
Israel uses the enemy's terms
Netanyahu Holds Fast – Phantom Nation [audio]
Biden supports Israel's enemy