If Just For Such a Time – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

The story of Purim screams from the rafters: Amalek wants us dead and who will be an Ester, defiant in the face of abject cruelty? Today is the day to step up and take a stand - physically and morally - for Jewish survival!

Purim: Reeling From Relevance – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

It has been said that 'History repeats itself'. True enough. But if you want to know how events play out for the children of Israel today, check out Megillat Esther - Book of Esther. A holy and prophetic look at the Jewish experience, in our times!

Monsters. Are. Real. – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Seventeen months into a vile war for survival, defending ourselves from an onslaught of unimaginable ferocity, we cannot hide from reports of the magnitude of brutality visited upon our holy hostages. The people of Israel live - scarred, bleeding, united.

Sacred Rage! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

How much does grief, anger, despair and disappointment weigh? Ask any Israeli this week. After more than 500 days of war, again we shudder from acts of cynical brutality, brought about by Hamas and its Jew-hating proxies.

Agony and Hope – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

United in hope but divided by fear, Israel dances with the Devil as we await the return of our precious hostages and soldiers - both alive and dead.

Agony and Hope – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

United in hope but divided by fear, Israel dances with the Devil as we await the return of our precious hostages and soldiers - both alive and dead.

Blessed and Separate – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

We are different, born of travail and vision. Like our forefathers and foremothers, the road ahead may not be easy. Yet, we forge ahead, placing God and family above all else.

The Maccabee Within – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

The Children of Israel carry the DNA of warriors, scholars, healers and leaders. We reflect the light of Chanukah, shining light and holiness throughout the world.

Heathens & Heroes – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Do all heroes wear capes and, weaponized, fight the bad guys? In a world that has gone mad with rage and judgement, sometimes the best and bravest are those who celebrate God, country, and leave a legacy of kindness and walking in His ways.

The Things That Matter – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

Jew-hatred? Spiritual anemia? Parental alienation? Yawn. We've been given a mandate and the Torah blueprint is eternal. He took us out of Egypt to be a God to us: Why sweat the small stuff?

Disappointment and Delight – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

With the conclusion of the American elections, some are gloating, some weeping, some looking forward to better future and others planning revenge.

The Real Rainbow Nation – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Disharmony. Discord. Animus. No! We were created to be so much more, in His image as purveyors of holiness, gratitude and joy. The year is still fresh. We can BE the "Goodness"!

Reward, Not Punishment! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Standing at the cusp of the holiest day of the Jewish year, we have an obligation to expect abundant blessings including health, sustenance, loving relationships and Heavenly miracles!

Standing at Heaven’s Gate – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

We are rapidly approaching the Yamim Noraim - High Holy Days. Will they merely be a calendar pit-stop or will something change for us, our families, our communities?

Not By Bread Alone – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Relying on miracles is a dangerous policy. Relying only on ourselves is equally futile. The ironclad partnership between Israel and the Creator is the recipe for blessings and fulfillment of His eternal promise.

Fear, Facts & Faith – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Will they attack or not? When will they attack and where?

Jewish Literacy 101 – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Too many Jewish politicians and pundits challenge the democratically elected leaders of Israel about policy and procedure while knowing nothing of our shared history and Torah law.

Undaunted & Unafraid: Bibi Goes to Washington – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Self-defense is a moral obligation and doing the right thing can be a lonely endeavor. Also, look at someone's friends and you'll know who he is. A word - and warning - to the wise.

Unity & Spirit – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Despite our reputation as a stiff-necked, recalcitrant nation, the Children of Israel typically rise beyond the ordinary to provide comfort and sustenance for one another, especially in times of uncertainty.

Spiritual Resilience – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

What is the secret to Jewish existence? Is there something inherently holy -- or magical -- to our continued presence, despite the efforts of our eternal enemies?

Choosing Your Narrative – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

The music of your life frequently depends on whom you surround yourself with. Naysayers breed negativity, anger and hopelessness. But those who see the glass as half full and tomorrow filled with promise can make our lives both richer and rife with meaning.

20JUNE2024 – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

Looking back and bemoaning what we "had" is a prescription for stagnation. While the unknown can be scary, our partnership with God's demands that we aspire, create, and await the opportunities which tomorrow holds for us.

The Facts, the Fiction, the Future – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

Besieged by lies and fabricated narratives, Israel's fights cannot rely on the goodwill of those whom, historically, have thwarted our survival.

Inside Out – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

Jews are in a state of physical and spiritual turbulence. With our security threatened and growing isolation, reaching deep within ourselves to connect to Him provides a sure-fire method for maintaining sanity and hope in an increasingly hostile and immoral world.

The Cost of Holiness – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

Is 'holiness' conferred or merited? The soldiers and citizens of Israel remain determined and hopeful, despite a seemingly endless "trial by fire"!

Mi Kamocha? Who is Like You, Israel – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

From praying, fighting, giving, volunteering, the people of Israel are paradigms of Godliness in a world rife with evil.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/pull-up-a-chair/if-just-for-such-a-time-pull-up-a-chair-audio/2025/03/14/

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