“Pleasure Principle” of Judaism – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Do American Jews care about candidates who want to wipe Israel off the map? Should rabbis meddle in the feuds of divorcing couples? From identifying the enemies among us to celebrating the mundane, a thought provoking hour of radio.
The KGB Is Destroying America! – Political Hitman [audio]
Did the KGB plot out the destruction of America? Howie reveals their plan in this explosive show!
Sukkot Mayhem! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Eating, touring, cooking, praying and eating some more, Andrea shares some of the lofty and not-so lofty aspects the holiday that, in fact, exemplifies the character of the Jewish people.
Prep for the Prep – Pull Up A Chair [audio]
Summertime, and the living is easy. So easy, in fact, that we are likely to ignore the thread that ties us to Heaven.
Not By Bread Alone – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Relying on miracles is a dangerous policy. Relying only on ourselves is equally futile. The ironclad partnership between Israel and the Creator is the recipe for blessings and fulfillment of His eternal promise.
Believe It and Be It – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
We are living through some of the bleakest days in Jewish history. But holding onto fear denotes a lack of faith and is, in fact, a sin.
Resolutions – Or Not??? – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Interesting parallels drawn between today's Jewish complacency and that of Hebrew slaves who shunned the promise of freedom for the Devil they knew! First show of the secular new year: Is change-for-the-better even possible or are we destined for more of the 'same old'?
Sanity vs. Fear – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Corona wages war and we, the "sitting ducks", can't even identify the weapons in our arsenal! With no end in sight, how many of us are beginning to go mad with fear? And who among us are still gloaming onto moments of light and laughter?
Eurovision & Me – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Will BDS-babes block her entrance to the semi-finals of Eurovision? Let them try! Andrea takes on the Harvard Lampoon, silly Hanan Ashrawi and discusses the magical combination of power and humility as illustrated in this weeks Torah portion.
Unless You’re Jewish – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
From the dawn of our independence, Israel's defensive actions have been scrutinized by most of the world, subjected to duplicitous moral codes and regularly denounced by the United Nations. It appears that standards for other societies do not apply - to Jews!
Chutzpah & Prayer – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Is prayer meant to be a chore, an obligation to check off one's list in order to attain God's favor? Or is it, perchance, a privilege that allows us to express our higher calling and commune with the source of our innate Holiness?
‘Tomorrow’ is Today: What’s the Plan? – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
The Talmud says, "In the way in which a person wants to go, that is the way in which he will be led." As we inch toward Rosh HaShanah, we're gifted with an opportunity to partner with God and 'build' the world anew. Now's the time to decide on some of goals, assess our potential 'contributions' and partner-up with Heaven!
Righteous Among Us – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
The Jewish nation is blessed with holy individuals, dedicated to promoting God's vision of human worth and potential. Andrea speaks with Uri Schwartz, Development Director of Shaare Tzedek Medical Center about the past, present and future of a most remarkable institution. PLUS: the eternal relevance of Avraham Avinu - the father of nations - on living a most purposeful life.
At the Foot of the Mountain – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Mount Sinai is not the Matterhorn but, instead, a slope that is achievable for those who undertake the trek.
Loneliness. Love and Looking Forward – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
The pandemic shows no sign of abating. What can we do, individually, to increase autonomy and celebrate shared values and an optimistic outlook for the year ahead?
Then Is Now! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Trying times bring out the best and worst in man.
Thanks in Giving – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Is there a Jewish/Torah link to the undisputedly American holiday? Emphatically, Andrea says, "Yes!"
Nature, Nurture & Terror – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Where do our choices lay when navigating fragile issues of parenting, nationalism, safety and faith? This week we tackle the gritty reality of Israeli life along with the ever-present question of "What does God want?"
Yearning for Normal – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Concern re insidious Coronavirus is everywhere and no one is, apparently, immune from myriad aspects of the infection.The impact on daily routines previously taken for granted, is immeasurable. And the economic impact on a such small country as Israel, where the gross national product relies heavily on tourism is, in fact, astronomical.
Nature or Nurture? – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
What happens when terrific parents have challenging children? Does Heaven play a role? Difficult questions for difficult days . . . . . .
Front Line: Integrity! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
When world events spiral out of control, must we sit and cower? The Jewish Blueprint, i.e., 'Torah,' clearly spells out the source of human strength, resilience and fortitude. It's called Integrity.
Holocaust, Heroes and Heaven – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
In this most poignant and powerful week leading up to Israel's Independence Day, we reflect on the inestimable cost of living as free Jews in our own country.
MISSIONARY MADNESS – Pull Up A Chair [audio]
Guests Ruth Guggenheim, former Executive Director of the East Coast branch of Jews for Judiasm, and Shannon Nuszen, a former missionary who is today an observant Jew explore this explosive topic.
Standing for Something! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Is life comprised of days lining up against one another until we breathe our last? Why are we here?
Vigilance – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Social media has proven to be dangerous on many levels. The struggle to remain both informed and relevant requires iron-clad vigilance. Still, is vigilance enough when insidious forces work tirelessly to destroy all that we hold sacred?
Broken and Blessed – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Sometimes the greatest gifts arise from nearly losing that which is most precious!
Jewish Pride: Know Thyself – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Our enemies have their skewered-facts in order. How can the Jewish state and friends of Israel present our case when we remain ignorant of our heritage and history? Also, the Torah has much to say about fiscal transparency and the centrality of family.
Pesach Prep: The Salt of the Earth! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
Ridding our homes of breadstuff in anticipation of Passover is only half of the "purge project." Confronting feelings of self-importance, morality fudging, and other ego-centric attitudes will better assist us in preparing for the Seder and embracing the humility that reflects the meaning behind Pesach.
If Just For Such a Time – Pull Up a Chair [audio]
The story of Purim screams from the rafters: Amalek wants us dead and who will be an Ester, defiant in the face of abject cruelty? Today is the day to step up and take a stand - physically and morally - for Jewish survival!
Agony and Hope – Pull Up A Chair [audio]
United in hope but divided by fear, Israel dances with the Devil as we await the return of our precious hostages and soldiers - both alive and dead.