Are Jews Afraid? – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie has a frank discussion with Tuvia Tenenbom, best-selling author of "Catch the Jew," and more. Tuvia speaks of his travels and conversations with Jews in America, Europe and Israel, giving us a peek at what he has witnessed.

Moving for Money? Aliyah?!? – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie hosts Hillel Fuld, who made aliyah in 1993 at the age of 15 from New York and today is the father of five, lives in Beit Shemesh, and is a Global Speaker, Startup Advisor, Tech Columnist. Hillel shared his thoughts on Aliyah

Real Life in Israel – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie takes you through her average and not-so-average day in life, and reminds us that there are city Jews, and farmer-Jews, and in fact, working the Land is a very 'Jewish' thing to do, and she tells us why.

Should One Move to Israel During a War? – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie is back from a speaking tour to the States and she shares her thoughts on the mindset of the people she met.

Eventually, We’re All Gonna Be Jews That They Hate – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie speaks to two very different women who have recently made Aliyah. Geteet 40, single, is from northern California where she escaped antisemitism that is pervading society there.

There Are Two Kinds of Jews – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie speaks with Ken Spiro who made aliyah in 1982 from New York at the age of 22; Rabbi, Historian, Tour Guide and Author.

Making Aliyah Without the Dream – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie speaks with Shawna Goodman Sone; Aliyah from Montreal to Renana in 2014. Shawna, 53, had visited Israel her whole life , but had never considered making Aliyah.

You Have An Accent! – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie speaks with Jonathan Feldstein who made aliyah in 2004 from Teaneck to Efrat. Jonathan, 69, has six children and four grandchildren.

A Car and a TV – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Estherina Levy Tafrizi, a retiree from Brooklyn who made aliyah just days ago. Estherina moved because her husband is Israeli and wanted to be closer to his family who all live in the south of Israel.

God Gives You Your Income – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie hosts Lenny Solomon, Jewish rock musician who formed the band Shlock Rock in 1984. Lenny made aliyah from NY in 1996 and lives in Beit Shemesh.

Green God in the Pocket – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie speaks from her heart about life now in Israel, and speaks openly with Nechaman Greenfield, olah from Teaneck NJ, who says N. American Jews are not moving to Israel in droves because they are concerned about not having enough money, or as she says "Green God in the Pocket"

Even Now. Come Home. – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie speaks from her heart in this episode about a variety of issues. Now in Israel, all are under the cloud of war, but Israelis are going about their days as normally as they can.

Be Ready to Run – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie speaks with Aleeza Ben-Shalom about life since Aliyah (2021) and how she and the family are managing since Oct.

The Savvy Traveler – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie begins the show by speaking about the need to be FLEXIBLE in Israel, and how things often do not go according to plan. Meet Marty Paz, Las Vegas

Tuition Tuition Tuition – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Zev Feller, a Financial Coach serving the Anglo Community through the organization Masila.

Study Abroad in Israel – Returnung Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Hila Oz (24) who made aliyah from Los Angeles to Jerusalem; Hila stresses the burden of student debt and explains the benefits of earning a higher degree in Israel through one of the universities here, which are 1) much less expensive than American colleges and 2) have English programs of study. To find out more, visit or where you can take a short survey.

Israel Isn’t Fake – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Zelig Krymko-Shmuelovich, who moved to Israel six months ago from Queens, New York City

Revisiting Lauren – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie recounts the successful rescue mission where the IDF extracted four hostages from Gaza...extraordinary! We hear a conversation between Natalie & Lauren Isaacs who made aliyah in 2020 and became a Tour Guide.

Aligning Expectations – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie begins the show by describing the Yom ha'Zicharon ceremony at her yishuv; she then welcome Lorne Rovet to the program. Lorne is in Toronto and is at the end of the pre-aliyah paperwork stage. His daughter, Tali, has already made aliyah and is a soldier and is currently in basic training.

Columbia University in Love With Hamas – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Shira Dicker, a Writer and New Yorker who lives near Columbia University and walks daily through the campus. Shira gives us a description of what's been going on there since before Pesach.

Meet Pete….in Haifa – Returning Home [audio]

.but it was just that. A joke. After two divorces, his sons suggested he really do it. And he did.

The Iranian Attack Over My Home – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie talks about the Iranian attack over her home, and how her family and community dealt with it.

Learning Languages is Good for the Brain – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Ina Ora Nisa, a woman from Romania, who lived her adult life in Switzerland and married a Spanish man.

From Mexico to Haifa – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie opens the show sharing the loss of her mother, who lived in the USA; Natalie shares her grief and regret for not pushing her parents to make aliyah.

Politics in Tel Aviv – Returning Home [audio]

In this episode Natalie interviews aspiring Tel Aviv municipal politician Daniel Gindis, an oleh from NYC who is running for a seat on the Tel Aviv City Council.


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