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Natalie welcomes two guests to the show today; 1) Sarah Koren, former Critical Care Nurse Specialist from Philadelphia who made aliyah in 1988; and Ezra Fleishman, Teacher, who made aliyah from Brooklyn just before Sukkoth, about a week ago. Sarah is a Team Leader for the Republicans Overseas and is in charge of Pennsylvania. She discusses her aliyah which began in the WUJS program in Arad, and her subsequent careers as a Critical Care Nurse first in Yoseftal Hospital in Eilat, and later in Hadassah Ein Kerem and Sheba. Regarding her current work with the Republican Party, Sarah explains the challenges involved with Absentee voting and more. She emphatically declares that this U.S. Presidential Election is the most important one in our lifetime. Natalie next welcomes Ezra Fleishman to the program who moved with his wife to Ramat Beit Shemesh to be near his two daughters. He describes the ease of living in this Anglo “bubble” and how there are Rabbis who give sermons in English, classes are in English, and shopkeepers speak English.

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