Natalie opens the show describing her Shabbat, how her children were all home, fighting and laughing and being together. It was “magical” and beautiful. Natalie and her husband just sat back and watched. That’s what happens when you raise your children in Israel…..they grow up together in a new culture, strong, opinionated, close. First guest Avraham Venismach originally from Venice, California who made his first trip to Israel at 17 in 1978, and returned 25 years later with his family. Avraham discusses the hardships and blessings of life in Israel. Next guest Chana Zaiden who made aliyah with her family from N. Hollywood, California in 2004 at the age of 13. Chana describes her difficulties moving here as a teen, the academic differences at the time, and how she handled things. Today Chana is happily married with two children. Today Avraham lives in Katzrin and works with a pre-army mechinah specifically tailored for non-Israelis, to get them acclimated to Israeli life.
Two Guests from California….. – Returning Home [audio]
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