How To Make Our Prayers Meaningful & Powerful – Soul Talk [audio]

Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel and learn how to make your prayers more meaningful and powerful.

How To Feel The Love: G-d’s, Others & Your Own – Soul Talk [audio]

G-d is loving, yet sometimes when I need it the most, it's hard for me to feel G-d's love.

Using Painful Emotions Towards Birthing Your Higher Self – Soul Talk [audio]

Life is full of ups and downs. Good times and times of challenge. Although we all prefer to 'feel good,' we all have times when we have to grapple with painful emotions. This is a part of everyone's human experience. Is there a perspective that can help us to better handle emotional pain? How should we most effectively face our inner self when it's suffering and challenged with real internal pain?

How Much is Your Life Determined: How Much Do You Determine Your Life...

Join Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel in Soul Talk to learn to what extent do you determine your life by the choices that you make and to what extent your life is determined for you by G-d's divine providence.

Spiritual Strategies For Better Living: Living Each Day As If It’s Our Last –...

Join Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel and learn how to get the most out of each and every day when you Live Each Day As If It's Your Last!

How To Find Real Love: Celebrating Borders & Balance – Soul Talk [audio]

One of the most important components of inner well being and healthy relationships is having proper boundaries. When a relationship of any kind is thriving, it likely has healthy boundaries. When a relationship is struggling, it's boundaries likely need to be re-assessed. How can one go about setting strong, balanced and healthy boundaries? This is an essential question that needs to be evaluated throughout the life of any relationship.

Passover: How Love Sets Us Free – Soul Talk [audio]

What is the core message of Passover? Yes this is the holiday celebrating our historical journey from slavery to freedom, but it goes even deeper than that. The root of this holiday is love and recommitment. The relationship between man and G-d and the significant role that Passover plays in days of old to this very day is a key to having a truly re-jewvinating Pesach.

Master The Art of Love: Essential Insights For The 3 Weeks – SOUL TALK...

What does it mean to truly love another? Is it possibly to love someone who is so essentially different than myself?

Life After Death: Where To From Here – Soul Talk [audio]

Every person who is born at some point...will die. Where do we go from here? How do we understand life after death and how does this understanding enrich the life we are living here and now?

SOUL TALK – The Soul Meaning of Zionism: Celebrating The State Of Israel’s 69th...

Israel is the heart of the world pumping G-d consciousness throughout the universe!

Torah, God’s Blueprint for the Universe: Really Getting It – Soul Talk [audio]

Shavuot is the holiday when we celebrate the giving of the Torah. The Torah includes many rules and restrictions according to which we are expected to live our lives. Why do we celebrate a life of commands and responsibility?

Keeping The Change – Soul Talk [audio]

This is a time of year where we think about change. How can I become the better version of me.

Coping With Anxiety & Sadness Through Kindness – Soul Talk [audio]

The Lubavicher Rebbe wrote "When the soul is starved for nourishment, it lets us know with feelings of emptiness, anxiety or yearning."

Passover Secrets: Living The Power of Freedom! – Soul Talk [audio]

Passover is a holiday of such significance that we not only celebrate and commemorate it once a year, but daily remember the exodus from Egypt in our prayers. What is the deeper significance of this holiday whose impact we must remember daily? How can we tap into the energy of this holiday to make the most of the opportunity that this once yearly time period affords?

Who am I really? Discovering Your Secret Identity – Soul Talk [audio]

Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn about the essence of who YOU really are.

Soul Talk – Forget About Reward and Punishment: The Path of True Empowerment [audio]

The Torah's concept of Reward and Punishment can be easily misunderstood...

Secrets To Overcoming Jealousy & Finding Inner Peace – Soul Talk [audio]

Jealousy is a natural human trait that ultimately hurts us more than those of whom we are jealous. How can we get to the very root of our jealousy, our thinking, and create a perspective on life that will keep us mindful of our own blessings and happy for the blessings of others?

From Criticizing to Empathizing: Mastering The Secret of Love & Compassion – Soul Talk...

"Your fellow man is your mirror. If your own face is clean, the image you perceive will also be flawless. But should you look upon your fellow man and see a blemish, it is your own imperfection that you are encountering. You are being shown what it is that you must correct within yourself." . . .

SOUL TALK – Passover: Can You Feel The Love Tonight? [audio]

Attaining the right perspective on what the Pesach holiday is really all about!

When Doing Good Doesn’t Feel Good: The Art of Making Choices – Soul Talk...

It's nice when we do good and feel good. Yet, sometimes, we do what we know is right and good and don't feel very good while doing it. Our head says "this is the right thing to do" and our heart says " I don't want to do this." What do we do with ourselves when our head and heart conflict?

Phantom Nation – How Israel Helps BDS [audio]

Sha'i ben-Tekoa explains how Israel's public diplomacy encourages the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.

Making Choices–Not Excuses – Soul Talk [audio]

To what degree are we who we are because of the choices that we make in life? According to Maimonides: "We each decide whether to make ourselves learned or ignorant, compassionate or cruel, generous or miserly. No one forces us. No one decides for us, no one drags us along one path or the other. We are responsible for what we are."

The Gift of Change: Freeing Ourselves From The Past and Celebrating A New Future...

As much as I want to change, a part of me is scared to make the attempt!

Soul Talk – Why Can’t I Connect with Formal Prayer? [audio]

Prayer is a very important way to connect to G-d and connect to ourselves.


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