How to Have a Relationship with G-d – Soul Talk [audio]
G-d is so beyond our human comprehension
How To Give Pain A Purpose & Turn It Into Power – Soul Talk...
For most, part of life's journey includes varying degrees of pain. Pain and suffering can often feel synonymous. What can we do to minimize this suffering and find meaning and purpose within our pain. As difficult as this may sound, this is the key to turning pain into power.
Unleashing Forgiveness & Peace From Within – SOUL TALK [audio]
It can be very hard to forgive and let go of anger.
Soul Talk – Falling in Love, Staying in Love [audio]
It can be easy to fall in love, but staying in love takes work and commitment.
How To Fix A Broken World – Soul Talk [audio]
Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel and gain life changing insights into How To Fix A Broken World.
How To Trust G-d In Terribly Terrifying Times – Soul Talk [audio]
Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel and gain perspective on How To Trust G-d In Terribly Terrifying Times
Soul Talk – The Joyous Mastery of Living in the Now [audio]
Living in the 'Now' is the key to living a whole and meaningful life.
Soul Talk – How to Date and Find True Love [audio]
Dating is the precursor to one of the most important decisions you will make in your life: who you choose to marry.
Master The Art of Love: Essential Insights For The 3 Weeks – SOUL TALK...
What does it mean to truly love another? Is it possibly to love someone who is so essentially different than myself?
Giving & Finding Love in Stressful Times – Soul Talk [audio]
Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn how to Give & Find Love During Stressful Times.
Who am I really? Discovering Your Secret Identity – Soul Talk [audio]
Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn about the essence of who YOU really are.
Spiritual Strategies For Better Living: When To Let Go And Let God – Soul...
Join Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel where you will learn how and when to Let Go and Let God. Learn the secrets to finding inner peace and empowerment.
Passover: Love Will Set Us Free – Soul Talk [audio]
In order for the change to happen, we need to understand the deeper significance of what at first glance, may appear to be only symbolic reminders or the past.
How Involved is G-d in the World? – Soul Talk [audio]
G-d created the world. How involved is G-d in the running of the world and the details of my day to day life? This is an important question on a philosophical level, but also very practically effects how I see the details of my life. For better or worse, are they a part of the system of nature that G-d designed or given directly to me by G-d to navigate and grow through?
SOUL TALK – Understanding and Coping With The Current Upsurge of Anti-Semitism [audio]
How do we understand the root of anti-Semitism and what can we do about it?
What The World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love – Soul Talk [audio]
We are in a time period of mourning for the loss of the temple, our exile and the continued fractures that exist within our nation. How can we fix discord and negativity and build love and connection? How can we focus on the good around us, in others and in ourselves? This is what we really need to heal the world and usher in the redemption. Where do we even begin?
Feeling Stuck? Here’s The Ultimate SOULution! – Soul Talk [audio]
There are some life challenges that are a passing stage and having the fortitude to wait out the storm is what's required for my survival.
Catching Life’s Curve Balls: How To Celebrate Our Problems – Soul Talk [audio]
To some extent, we have all written a script according to which we expect our life to accord. And everyone gets curve balls (sometimes many) that throw us off course. These challenges can range from illness, death, divorce, change in finances, loss of a job or any event that is a significant change from the life script that we consciously or unconsciously wrote for ourselves.
A Purim Special: Life By Divine Design or By The Roll Of A Dice...
Where is G-d in the day to day happenings of my life? To what extent do my choices really make a difference in the outcome of G-d's divine plan? The Purim story happened many years ago, yet its relevance rings strong today. G-d's name is absent from the Megillah, yet His presence is directing all aspects of the story and it's outcomes. Thus G-d is hidden within the natural realms of our life, and yet He is palpably there. What do we need to do to sense G-d's reality in our life?
Where Is G-d When It Hurts? – Soul Talk [audio]
How can I help myself or someone whom I am close to when they are struggling with this all important question: Where Is G-d When It Hurts?
SOUL TALK – The Unbelievable Truth About Belief [audio]
To what extent does your belief in G-d need to extend to your actions and what does that look like?
Soul Talk – Chanukkah: Getting The Hellenism Out Of Here [audio]
Can you take the Hellenism out of the Jew?
Soul Talk – Why Can’t I Connect with Formal Prayer? [audio]
Prayer is a very important way to connect to G-d and connect to ourselves.
Soul Talk – Overcoming The Urge To Do Wrong [audio]
Part of being human is struggling with the lesser side of ourselves.
Women of Strength – SPECIAL SHOW [audio]
How does one live life forward in the face of challenge, tragedy or illness? What are the tools and perspectives of women who stay strong in spite of the pain of their circumstances?
Soul Talk – The Art of Living in the Now! [audio]
How does the Torah explain the concept of time?
How To Find Your Purpose! – Soul Talk [audio]
Nothing in this world is random and either are YOU. You are here for a purpose. The question many struggle with is: "What is my purpose?" Gaining clarity on what your particular role is on this earth is essential for fulfilling it and being fulfilled by it. Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to gain clarity in understanding what your purpose truly is!
Why Does G-d Hide His Face From Us? Finding Light In The Darkness –...
There is a concept that in dark times, G-d is 'hiding his face' from us: Hester Panim. Man cannot hide from G-d.
Secrets To Living A Life Of Significance – Soul Talk [audio]
Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel and learn important secrets to living a life of significance.