Photo Credit: Pixabay

*** This is the shortened ‘audio’ version of a longer ‘video’ interview.
To hear the original and entire interview, click here:

Sara Yoheved Rigler has discovered a SECRET SOCIETY. Qualifications for membership include Holocaust-related recurring dreams, panic attacks, fearsome flashbacks, and phobias in children born after 1945. ….And you don’t even have to be Jewish.


Rigler’s ground-breaking, meticulously researched book provides evidence that is as startling as it is mysteriously affirming. In this interview, the author talks with Tamar about her childhood, unexplained phenomena, and the many other people who have experienced this and why.

Visit her website at:

* Join Sara for this upcoming LIVE event on International Holocaust Day (27th of January 2022) with others who have ‘Been Here Before’, as they share AMAZING stories at:


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