Wake up, look around, we are in an auspicious time.
Lunar events, earthquakes, the world on the verge of a possible WWIII…
what does it all mean, and what are we supposed to do about it?
It is the Jewish month of ELUL now, the time to do ‘tshuva’ or repentance [as the King is in the field] and though it is always appropriate to do tshuva, this month we know it is especially a powerful month to do so. G-d wants us to come closer to Him, and He is sending us signs…. Hamas – rockets, fires… Iran – Nuclear bomb capability, Russia and UN troops on Israel’s northern border, the Hezbollah threat, earthquakes in the north of Israel, the SUPER BLOOD MOON and SO MANY SIGNS, so…. what do they all mean?
Tamar talks with her Rabbi Eliyahu Kin from www.youtube.com/user/7200beverly
and www.TorahOhr.net