Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Editor’s note:  This show’s title & description have been corrected due to the fact that Prince William did indeed visit some Holy Sites after this show was aired. Scanning the news of his visit before the show’s broadcast, we could not find any reports of the Prince’s itinerary CONFIRMING visits to Jerusalem’s Holy Sites. 

    After basically boycotting Israel from any official visits, one of the members of the British Royal Family is finally here. But Prince William won’t be visiting the Holy Places in Israel (with an Israeli leader), and there won’t be those vital photo-ops of him in the news with our Prime Minister or President in places that prove this Land belongs to the Children of Israel, the Hebrews, the Jewish People. So is this visit really good for Israel, or is it pushing the Two-State Solution which is deadly for Israel?
    ‘Brian of London’ joins Tamar on the air to give his take, and explain the background of the Royal Family and it’s history here in Israel.

Follow Brian at:
and brianoflondon on twitter and YouTube.

Plus, Tamar talks about prophesies that are coming true today, as well as an email she received from a listener.


The Tamar Yonah Show 26JUNE2018 – PODCAST

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