Fire on the Mountain, and Fire All Around – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Rav Yitzchak is once again joined by his wife Leah. This week they continue their discussion of the counting of the Omer, but also discuss the holiday of Lag B'Omer. This is a holiday that not only commemorates the death of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, the author of the Zohar, but is celebrated through the lighting of bonfires and great rejoicing.
Science or Judaism: Who Got it Right? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Rabbi Yitzchak and William continue their discussion on the words form, make, and create which uncovers some interesting answers to the creation of man and the age of the universe. If you ever were confused by the beginning verses of Genesis, you won't want to miss this show.
Does Judaism Have Lucky Numbers? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
We have entered the Yamim Noraim, the Ten Days of Awe. The period of deep repentance between Rosh HaShana - The Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur
Conspiracy Theories: Losers or Winners? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
This week we are joined by Professor Joe Uscinski a Political Scientist and expert in conspiracy theories. The author of two books on the subject, Professor Uscinski shares his perspective after years of extensive research on the origins of conspiracy theories and what drives a person to be drawn to such beliefs. He also shares his opinion as it relates to past pandemics as well as our current battle against Coronavirus.
First Fruits, The Days of Awe, and Ratzon (Will) – The Science of Kabbalah...
Rav Yitzchak is joined by his wife Leah as they discuss their travels to the U.S., what the Days of Awe, Ki Tavo, First Fruits, and Ratzon (Will) all have in common. There is so much to be learned from the book of Deuteronomy and specifically this week's Torah portion when Moshe Rabbeinu (Our Teacher) gives on of his last messages to the Jewish people before he dies.
Is Meditation the Answer for a Successful Future? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
In this week's show we have our final interview with Rav Doniel Katz of the Elevation Project. The discussion focuses on meditation, and specifically the rich tradition for mindfulness and meditation in Torah and Judaism. Why has it been ignored, and what can we do to rectify this? This is a show worth sharing with your friends, as we seek to take back another tradition that has been lost to us, or taken over by a secular world.
Consciousness and the Modern World – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
In this world of technology and the non-stop offerings of self optimization, not just by those who would have been considered snake oil salesmen at one time, but by trained professionals with credentials, is there an alternative found with Judaism? Rav Yitzchak and William are joined by Rav Doniel Katz of the Elevation Project to discuss answers from the Torah, Kabbalah and the Sages of Judaism to the questions so many to have regarding self optimization, consciousness, and connecting to the divine spark within.
Revealing Your True Face – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Rabbi Yitzchak is joined this week by his wife Leah as they discuss the issues of travel during a pandemic, as well as preparations for Rosh HaShana. The focus of the show is from Parsha Nitzavim tied together with Kabbalah and a section of Rebbe Nachman's Likutei Moharan. All of these point us to our true faces, which are a reflection of all of us having been created in the image of God.
Coloring is Not Just for Kids – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
This week we are joined by Zev Padway and David Friedman. David is a well known Kabbalistic artist here in the city of Tzfat.
Sukkot and the Nations – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Science of Kabbalah is joined by Rabbi Amichai Cohen of Live Kabbalah in Tzfat. He shares the connection that Sukkot has with the nations, and the role that all of us play in helping to work on ourselves in order to see both personal and global redemption.
Good vs. Evil or Life vs. Death? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
In this week's show Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the real battle we go through in life, and how we react to Divine Providence and Hester Panim (The hiding of the face of the Creator)
Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Stick Just In Case – The Science of...
This week Rav Yitzchak and William discuss Parshat Chukat and the incident of Moshe (Moses) striking the rock, rather than speaking to it as commanded by HaShem. Can we find some connections to Kabbalah and the way in which we learn Torah today, and is there a repair for this seemingly great sin that kept Moshe from entering the Land? Listen to hear what the sages of Judaism have to say, and to gain insight into why the apparent argumentative style of Talmudic discourse was all part of the plan.
What’s In A Name? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Rabbi Yitzchak is once again joined by his wife to discuss the book of Exodus and the importance of names. Often times our names in addition to identifying us, also reveal our characteristics. It is interesting to note that many of the people in the opening stories of Exodus remain nameless. Like Yocheved the mother of Moses and Miriam his sister, as well as the Pharoah. Yet, we see that G-d reveals His Name to Moses in a way that He has never revealed it to anyone else. This show will reveal the importance of our names and more importantly the holiness of the name of G-d.
Naked and Afraid – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Musings on the first Torah Portion of Bereshit include not only a discussion of the Hebrew language and why the Torah starts the way it does
The Unity of Opposites – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Rabbi Yitzchak is joined by his wife Leah as they discuss Parsha Vayechi and the diverse blessings given by Yaakov to his sons. That these same sons who represent the twelves tribes had mutually exclusive and contradictory character traits, yet without each one could not have combined to be Knesset Yisrael. In essence, like so many things in this universe that the Kabbalah describes as unity of opposites, each one of us like the twelve tribes as different as we are can come together and hasten the redemption.
Passover with a Pinch of Kabbalah – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
This week Rav Yitzchak and William discuss Passover, the Seder or Telling of the story of Passover. Also they discuss how Kabbalah connects each of the elements found on the Seder table, and special Seder plate to the deliverance from Egypt.
What’s Love Got To Do With It? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
While Rav Yitzchak and William try their hand at singing, the show is not about the famous song. Last week we discussed the four stages of Divine Providence, and this week we discuss the four levels of Love related to our connection to the Creator. You will need these tools to learn how to draw closer to and cleave to G-D!
Shavuot: For Heavens Sake, What on Earth Are You Doing? – The Science of...
Rabbi Yitzchak and William finish their discussion about Counting of the Omer. After, they discuss Shavuot and the custom of learning all night as a rectification for the Jewish people supposedly sleeping in on the morning they were supposed to receive the Torah.
Are You Awake or Asleep? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
All you seem to hear from politicians and celebrities today is the new concept of being "Woke."
Have I Been Here Before? What Kabbalah teaches about Reincarnation – The Science of...
This week Rabbi Yitzchak discusses the very interesting and often misunderstood concept of reincarnation. Kabbalah has much to teach about the soul, and its need for rectification as it relates to the Torah and Mitzvot. If you have ever been interested in the subject, this might be the show that will help you to understand.
A Blessing on Your Head – Ethical? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
This week Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the weekly Torah portion where we read the story of a supposed deception played out when Rebecca convinces her son to fool his father who is about to give a blessing to Esau. Does this raise any ethical questions, and how does it relate to our struggle and the consequences we experience in life?
The Fires of Honor and Glory – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
What is the reason for your Torah study? Rav Yitzchak and William discuss those who study and teach Torah for self aggrandizement, rather than for the sake of purifying and cleansing themselves of negative character traits. This is something that we all need to reflect on during the Counting of the Omer.
Consciousness, Passion, and Personal Struggle – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
This week Rav Yitzchak is once again joined by Rav Doniel Katz. In a continuation of the discussion from last week they discuss "devekut" or cleaving to the divine, how to make Judaism and a relationship with the Creator more passionate, and Rav Yitzchak shares from his own personal struggles in accomplishing this in his own life.
Art, Science, and Kabbalah – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
This week the discussion centers on the connection of our divine service to the Creator with the Arts and Sciences. As well as, how Kabbalah connects our souls to these concepts that would normally seem at odds with Torah.
Our Personal Journey Through Counting of the Omer – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
This week Rav Yitzchak is joined by his amazing wife Leah. They discuss their own experiences of leaving Mitzraim (Egypt) and the significance of the Counting of the Omer described in Leviticus chapter 23.
The Process of Redemption in Turbulent Times – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Rabbi Yitzchak and William discuss concepts discussed by the sages of Judaism about the process of redemption and the footprints or footsteps of Messiah. In this turbulent world it is easy to lose focus. To simply be distracted by the numerous voices and the barking of dogs. However, everything has to play out in a certain way. The question is whether or not there is something we can do about it? Listen in to learn more.
What’s All This Monkey Business? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the increased joy and laughter one is required to have in the month of Adar, and the connection with monkeys and elephants.
Diminishing Our Image: Preparing for Shavuot – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
This week in preparation for Shavuot our team speaks about the weekly Torah portion of Naso. How we are to understand the ritual of the Sotah, the woman suspected of committing adultery and the juxtaposition of the Nazir. The Nazirite who takes a vow to refrain from drinking wine or having anything made from grapes. Rabbi Yitzchak and William speak about both of these concepts connecting back to the sin in the Garden of Eden, and how all this relates to our own preparation for the reception of the holy Torah on Shavuot.
It’s Always Darkest Before Dawn – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
This famous saying attributed to Thomas Fuller in 1650 can really be found in the Zohar in the Torah portion just read this past Shabbat called Vayishlach. In that Torah portion after Yaacov (Jacob) wrestles with an angel all night that angel asks to be release because dawn is about to break. There is an interesting connection to this story and Chanukah which begins this week on Thursday at sundown. Chanukah s all about lighting up the darkness and doing it one day at a time.
Names and Prohibitions – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]
Rav Yitzchak and William this week discuss the second book of the bible, Shemot or Exodus and what it means to have a "good name," as well as the misconceptions on so called prohibitions related to who can learn Kabbalah, Talmud, and Torah in general.