Inside Israel Today: Not Left Out of Zionism [audio]

The Left is not treasonous and Zionism is part of my identity, says Zionist Union MK Merav Michaeli in an interview with Gil Hoffman today on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Exultant Over Elections’ Absence [audio]

No early elections. Gil Hoffman reveals what happened behind the scenes and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's side behind the story today on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Is Netanyahu Corrupt? [audio]

Today on Inside Israel Today Gil Hoffman speaks with Jerusalem Post \ Opinion & Blogs Amy Spiro about why pop singer called Lorde decided to cancel her performance in Tel Aviv. And takes looks ahead to what could happen in Israeli politics in 2018.

Inside Israel Today: The State’s Witness Speaks [audio]

How is it that a meeting between the US President and Israeli PM get overshadowed by other news? Gil Hoffman takes you behind the scenes in the criminal investigations of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Mr. Jewish Chicago [audio]

The Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago has grown to be one of the largest non-profit social service organizations in the country due to Dr. Steven B. Nasatir. Gil Hoffman speaks with Dr. Steven B. Nasatir about Israel, the US Jewish community, and the relationship between the two.

Inside Israel Today: Live from Jerusalem. It’s the US Embassy. [audio]

On site at the, soon to be, US Embassy in Jerusalem Gil Hoffman interviews city councilwoman Fleur Hassan-Nahoum about the significance of this historic move on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Are Knesset Members Slackers? [audio]

The Knesset’s last week before its extended summer recess, Gil Hoffman and Knesset insider Jeremy Saltan analyze whether Knesset members have easy lives in which they barely work, or if they actually work very hard.

Inside Israel Today: Not Cucumber Season [audio]

Why is the news from the empty parliament building is surprisingly intense now? Join Gil Hoffman from the Knesset on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Why Israel-Lovers Should Care about the World Cup [audio]

Even though Israel has not made the World Cup since 1970, “Sports Rabbi,” Josh Halickman says people who love the Jewish state should be watching. Hear more with Gil Hoffman today on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Can Netanyahu Emerge Legally Unscathed? [audio]

How much trouble is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing in his multiple criminal investigations? Gil Hoffman speaks with attorneys Michael Partem and Yossi Fuchs, listen to the the lawyers and decide who gets it right.

Inside Israel Today: Michael Medved on Natalie Portman [audio]

Why does it matters so much that a Hollywood star refused to come to Israel and rejected a $2 million prize? Gil Hoffman speaks about the Natalie Portman scandal with Michael Medved.

Inside Israel Today: Is Netanyahu’s Coalition Crumbling? [audio]

Gil talks to Likud Knesset member Rabbi Yehudah Glick about how long Netanyahu's government can last and how he used the turmoil in the...

Inside Israel Today: Interview with Naftali Bennett [audio]

Leader of the Israeli Right, Naftali Bennett, speaks with Gil Hoffman about Iran, Syria and Natalie Portman today on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: May The Force Be With Israel [audio]

Good and evil, light and darkness. Join Gil Hoffman as he explains the lessons of Star Wars and Hanukkah are one and the same today on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: The Migrant Workers Mess Demystified [audio]

Is Israel racist for deporting thousands of African migrants? Gil Hoffman speaks with Dan Eisenbud about both sides in the heated debate on this controversial issue on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Why the Korean Deal Matters for Israel [audio]

How does the deal signed in Singapore between US President Donald Trump and Korean dictator Kim Jong Un have an impact on possible war and peace in Israel? Listen to Gil Hoffman's analysis on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Behind the Scenes in the Omri Casspi Tragedy [audio]

Omri Casspi cut from the Golden State Warriors for technical reasons last weekend, Gil Hoffman talks about the first Israeli to play in the NBA on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Shaloha from Hawaii Back to Israeli Politics [audio]

After a whirlwind US speaking tour Gil Hoffman returns to an uproar over the comments Labor Party leader Avi Gabbay made about the Left forgetting what it means to be Jewish. Hear more today on Israel Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Did Abbas Kill the Israeli Left? [audio]

What is the impact on the Israeli Left on Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s anti-Semitic speech and rejection of peace talks? Listen in as Gil Hoffman interviews Knesset member Nachman Shai on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Fighting Israel’s Legal Battle [audio]

“There is no instant gratification in international law,” laments Sarah Weiss Ma’udi director of the General International Law Department at the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In her interview with Gil Hoffman she describes her efforts defending Israel’s actions in Gaza to the world today on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Preparing for an Inspiring Seder [audio]

Do we really have to say every word of the Passover Haggadah if we want to keep our children involved, do we really have to eat the bitter herbs, and how this year is different from other years? Rabbi Stewart Weiss speaks with Gil Hoffman to answer these questions and more on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Is the Israeli Left Finally Settling? [audio]

Avi Gabbay promised Monday that as part of a peace agreement with the Palestinians, Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria would not have to be evacuated. Gil Hoffman explains the significance of the Left reowning Judea and Samaria today on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Did Jerusalem Elect Donald Trump? [audio]

Will Donald Trump move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? What will happen if Trump does not move the embassy? Gil Hoffman speaks with Josh Reinstein, director of Israel Allies Caucus, who is optimistic about such a move. Hear more on today's Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Behind the Scenes at the Knesset [audio]

Get an insider’s look into the exciting events at the Knesset Monday night. Gil Hoffman speaks about a bill that could draft yeshiva students, plus a law that removes funding for the Palestinian Authority that is given to terrorists and their families today on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Overcoming Unbridgeable Divides [audio]

Israel is both a democracy and a Jewish state, which means everyone has a voice and everyone has an opinion. Today Gil Hoffman speaks about the Shabbat railway repair work crisis, the divide between Israelis and the Jewish world and more on Inside Israel Today.

Inside Israel Today: Why Oprah is Wrong for America [audio]

Who is Oprah Winfrey really? On Inside Israel Today, Gil Hoffman recalls his experience with Oprah on her show.

Inside Israel Today: Netanyahu vs Diaspora Jews? [audio]

Go behind the scenes into the conflict between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and progressive Jews from the Diaspora. What will the fate of egalitarian prayer at the Western Wall be? Hear more with Gil Hoffman on today's episode of Inside Israel Today.


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