Photo Credit: Dr. Arnold Slyper
Rejuvenation: Palettes and Palates of the Promised Land

Dr. Arnold Slyper hasn’t really retired, he’s actually busier than ever after his aliya 7 years ago. As a pediatric endocrinologist he treated many kids for childhood obesity and other diet caused diseases. Living in Israel, he discovered, has healthy side benefits that come with our sunshine, colorful produce and abundant nutritious foods. He’s now published two very different books to share his personal research with all. ‘Family Friendly Mediterranean-style Cooking” is a terrific recipe book to prepare nutritious and delicious food that will lead to cardiovascular health and weight control. “In and Around Jerusalem For Everyone” is a compilation of walks, hikes and outdoor swimming spots that fills a gap for English readers avid about the Holy City. Exercise and healthy eating, throw in the history and Bible with every step and your appetite will only be whetted for more.

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