Photo Credit: Yuvi Tashome
An Ethiopian Jewess’s Epic-urean Journey

Yuvi Tashome’s epic journey walking from Sudan to Israel in the ’80’s was just the opening course of this extraordinary woman’s life, which she shares with Eve in this mid-cooking class interview. Her “Friends by Nature” is an organization nurturing the contribution that Ethiopian Jewish women are now serving in Israel via healthy, traditional African food, superfoods and herbs.
Our ‘Ingathering of the Exiles’ means absorbing new immigrants; digesting different cultures; giving us food for thought and ultimately sustenance from many sources, although some tastes take longer to acquire and need to be chewed over. Israel is not so much a melting pot as a blended multicultural society, balancing a colorful palette of distinctiveness while developing a unique Israeli flavor and palate.
Blessings over food and for food is how we feel the Love.

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