Photo Credit: Kobi Richter/TPS
New Olim July 18, 2019

Some 200 Olim, immigrants arrived in Israel on Wednesday from France, Russia, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela aboard special flights organized by The Jewish Agency for Israel.


The two biggest groups of Olim came from France and Russia, 100 from France and 80 from Russia. The newcomers, including 70 children who will enter the Israeli education system when school starts after summer vacation, were greeted at Ben Gurion Airport with a festive reception titled “Choosing Israel” hosted by The Jewish Agency, the Israeli Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, and Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal.

The reception also featured 200 young adults, aged 18-35, who recently moved to Israel from 27 countries and are participating in special programs for new immigrants sponsored by The Jewish Agency and the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration.

Summertime in Israel is also considered the “Aliyah Season,” when Jews choose to move to Israel.

Isaac Herzog, Chairman of The Jewish Agency, welcomed the new immigrants “in the name of the Jewish people the world over.”

“I’m proud and excited to welcome 200 new Olim who just arrived in their historic homeland. We’re also celebrating the arrival of the thousands of new Olim arriving in Israel this summer,” he stated.

While Aliya is often the realization of a life-long dream, Olim may encounter difficulties navigating the Israeli bureaucratic system and the various challenges that face them.

LiAmi Lawrence, CEO and co-founder of the nonprofit KeepOlim, which provides solutions to these problems, in a statement to TPS noted that “it is heartwarming to see so many new Israelis joining us here,” and urged government officials and agencies to continue their supports of the Olim in months to come.

Close to 30,000 Jews from around the world chose to make Israel their new home during 2018, a 5 percent increase year-over-year.

Some 3.5 million people have made Aliyah since 1948, making up 42 percent of the total population.

In 2018, over 70 years after the Holocaust, the world’s largest Jewish population lives in Israel. This figure represents 43 percent of world Jewry.

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