Photo Credit: Press TV
Lebanese Journalist Marwa Osman.

In a poignant moment aired live on the Russian propaganda channel RT, Lebanese journalist Marwa Osman was visibly moved to tears upon learning of the death of her idol, Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, as a result of an Israeli airstrike. This devastating news was revealed during a segment in which Osman was addressing the rising tensions in Lebanon in the wake of recent violent events.


According to her Press TV bio, Osman, the mother of three, holds a PhD in Management on the “Effect of Intergenerational Differences on Workplace Productivity in Lebanon” from the Doctoral School of the Lebanese University, and two master’s degrees in “The Effect of politics on the Foreign Direct Investment in Lebanon” from the Lebanese University, and on “Applying Knowledge Management in a Media Institution” from the Lebanese University.

She is also a member of the Blue Peace Media Network for transboundary water management in the Middle East.

Osman is a University Lecturer at the Lebanese International University and Maaref University. She hosts and produces the political show The MidEaStream.

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