Photo Credit: Beyadenu
Police detain a man who raised an Israeli flag on the Temple Mount on Israel Independence Day. May 14, 2024.

A citizen from central Israel found himself in custody after an incident on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He had been waving the national flag and singing the national anthem at that holiest site for Jews. Police confiscated the flag and, upon descending from the mount, detained the individual, escorting him to the local precinct. Attorney Nati Rom from the Honenu legal aid society is providing legal counsel to the detainee.

Those are the facts as we received them from Honenu. But I must share with the readers how sad this spectacle was to watch. The young man who was arrested for raising his country’s flag on his country’s land was so morose. He reflected the national mood today, the saddest Yom Ha’Atzmaut ever.


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