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Two American women who participated in the ‘Say Shema Israel’ rally on the Fast of Esther, March 21, 2024..

A prayer rally was held by the Kotel on the Fast of Esther, March 21, with thousands praying for the return of the Gaza hostages. At the center of that rally was the mass chanting of “Shema Israel” by the participants along with hundreds of thousands of Jews in Israel and around the world.


The Chotam group, which was a partner in organizing the rally, on Wednesday, posted a new video showing a street poll the organization conducted at the event, where participants spoke about the power they felt at the rally and the importance of the power of unity among all the Jewish people, which is leading the State of Israel to victory in the war.

“There are those for whom this awakening is a threat,” say Chotam activists. “Those people want to break away from Judaism and lead to a state for all its citizens.”

“Against this minority, the majority of the people are healthy in spirit, connected to their roots and eternal values, and united around the most essential Jewish saying that we all share, “Shema Israel.” The people of Israel understand that only the Jewish spirit will lead us to victory in the war,” Chotam stated.

Chotam, led by Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, an Israel Prize laureate, is an activist organization working to preserve and cultivate the Jewish character of the State of Israel. The organization operates in advocacy, the law, and legislation to influence the public agenda and Israel’s Jewish identity.

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