Photo Credit: Flash 90
Firefighters fight fires in Halamish. Nov. 26, 2016

350 families from Halamish (Neve Tsuf) in the Shomron were forced to evacuate their homes from a pyroterrorism fire.

45 homes were damaged, of which 18 were completely destroyed.


Two firemen, two soldiers and a number of residents were injured in smoke inhalation.

Most of the residents have been allowed to return home, except in 3 neighborhoods were there is concern that the fires might start again.

There are reports that the fires began from Molotov cocktails that were thrown at some homes.

There were also fires near Dolev, Alfei Menashe and Karnei Shomron. Fires continued at Nataf and Beit Meir over Shabbat.

Firefighters continued to fight the fires near Jerusalem, on Highway 1 near Shaar Hagai.

In Maale Adumim, 2 people were critically injured and 10 more were moderately wounded in an apartment building fire early Saturday morning.

The Maaleh Adumim fire was caused by an electrical fault and not pyroterrorism.

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