Photo Credit: Israel Ministry of Defense
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, Nov. 21, 2021

On the recommendation of the Shin Bet / General Security Service (GSS), Defense Minister Benny Gantz has signed administrative detention orders for two Israeli citizens on suspicion of plotting acts of terrorism in the country.

One of the arrested suspects lives in the town of Qalansuwa; the other suspect lives in Turan.


The identities of the two detained individuals have not been revealed.

The resident of Qalansuwa was issued a four-month order of detention due to suspicions that he intended to carry out serious security activities during Ramadan.

The suspect also made comments praising the perpetrators of the recent terrorist attacks in Israel.

The resident of Turan was ordered detained for at least six months due to Shin Bet intelligence indicating he was involved in illegal security activities and that he has access to weapons.

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