The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that the final death toll for Friday October 17, 2014 in Syria’s civil war was approximately 226 people.

The dead: 36 civilians, 20 rebels, 18 Non-Syrian Islamic fighters, 33 NDF, 37 Regular forces, 14 unknown rebels, 54 ISIS, 3 YPG, 6 non-Syrian fighters allied to regime forces.


By province : Aleppo (4 rebels, 1 civilian), Reef Dimashq (6 rebels, 11 civilians), Damascus (2 civilians), Idlib (1 rebel, 6 civilians), Hama (4 rebels), Der-Ezzor (2 civilians), Dar’a (5 civilians, 1 rebel), Homs (1 civilian), Hasakah (3 civilians).

There’s no Israeli/Jewish connection to the fighting, despite attempts by some to create a linkage.

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