Photo Credit: courtesy
Farjun Beit Midrash

How can we make Bible study exciting to kids in Jewish schools, and show that it is still relevant to their daily lives?

This is one of the questions that will be discussed at the Herzog College Yemei Iyun B’Tanach and at the Jewish Educators’ Day for English-speaking teachers, where the 32nd annual Bible Study Conference is taking place this week at Herzog College.


Every summer, thousands of Bible study enthusiasts gather at Herzog College for four days of intensive lectures by the world’s leading Tanach lecturers.

This year there are 125 live lectures in Hebrew and 25 lectures in English, as well as five in French. Some of the live lectures are being live-streamed, and more will be available later for online viewing by Tanach enthusiasts around the world.

The program expands every year, with online virtual Tanach tours around Israel – originally added during the COVID era – plus new evening events taking place this year in Jerusalem and Modi’in.

This year, the Jewish Educators’ Day will focus on the challenges facing today’s Judaic Studies teachers.

Rabbi Dr. Shalom Berger, who runs the English-language program at the Yemei Iyun B’Tanach, explains, “Whether they teach in Jewish day schools in Manchester, Memphis or Melbourne, they need to show that the Tanach is still relevant today, in order to engage the “TikTok generation” with its eternal messages.”

Educators from the United States and from other Jewish communities are participating in workshops discussing how to understand the needs of today’s students and empower them to learn Tanach.

Herzog Global, the international arm of Herzog College, will launch its new story-telling curriculum for community schools, which takes a novel approach to exploring themes of Jewish identity through Biblical stories. The college provides teacher education programs and resources in English and Spanish to Jewish teachers and schools.

The Yemei Iyun B’Tanach traditionally takes place shortly before Tisha B’Av (which begins on the evening on Wednesday, July 16), and every participant will receive links to free online lectures suitable for viewing on Tisha B’Av.

Speakers arriving from the US to speak at this year’s event include Rabbi David Fohrman of Aleph Beta, Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter from Yeshiva University, Rabbi Yehuda Chanales from Teaneck, NJ, and Rabbi Shmuel Feld from Silver Spring, MD.

“Despite the wealth of Tanach material available today on every online platform, over 3,000 people have booked seats at this in-person event, because of the shared excitement that it generates every year.

For more information and registration, click here.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.