Around 1 AM Monday night, large Border Guard and Civilian Administration forces arrived on a bus and in several other vehicles at two outposts in Gush Talmonim in the Benjamin region. They also brought with them a tractor.
The forces leveled two homes in each of the outposts of Ramat Mordechai and Givat Egoz.
One of the structures that was destroyed in Givat Egoz had previously been set on fire by Palestinians on February 21 this year. IDF trackers followed the arsonists to the Arab village of Ras Karkar.
Initially, Givat Egoz was established after the home of the Goldmintz family had been demolished Win the settlement of Yad Yair, and since they had been living in the new outpost.
Ramat Mordechai was named after the late Mordechai Schivschorder and his family, who were killed in a suicide bombing in the Sbarro pizza restaurant, August 9, 2001.