Photo Credit: Gunner Bothman/TPS

The police were successful in identifying and apprehending four Israeli-Arab residents of the northern city of Acco who were involved in shooting attacks on the police and other terror attacks against Jews last month, during the countrywide Muslim anti-Jewish pogroms.

An intensive investigation conducted by the Shin Bet security service and the police resulted in the arrest of four terrorists, residents of the city, who are suspected of involvement in shootings, rock-throwing at Jews, arson, and vandalism.


The Northern District Attorney’s Office filed an indictment against two of the perpetrators on Wednesday and charged them with committing a terrorist act of aggravated sabotage, firearm offenses, and racism-driven malicious damage to property.

“The Israel Police and the General Security Service take the involvement of Israeli citizens in terrorist acts very seriously and will therefore continue to use all measures at their disposal to thwart the threat and bring to justice those involved,” the police said.

These incidents were a few of the multiple violent attacks perpetrated by Muslims against Jews and Jewish property across the country last month as Hamas was firing rockets at the south of the country and as the IDF was engaged in Operation Guardian of the Walls.

Two Jewish men, Yehoshua and Avi Har-Even, were killed in the pogroms and dozens of others were injured.

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