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Alberto Nisman, special prosecutor for Argentina Jewish Center bombing, shot dead, Jan. 18, 2015.

Just days before Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman was found dead in his Buenos Aires apartment on Jan. 19, 2015, he took measures to make sure his research into the Jewish Center bombing and high-level conspiracy didn’t disappear with him, according to a Makor Rishon report.

Nisman sent an email to three friends with a backup of his research and report.


It was the last email that Israeli-Argentine writer and educator, Gustavo Daniel Perednik, received from Nisman. A few days later Nisman was found with a bullet in his head.

A month before, Perednik met with Nisman in a cafe, where Nisman told him about what he was working on. Nisman told Perednik, “In case someone murders me, all the data is saved.”

The emails were sent from Nisman’s private, secure account in the prosecutor’s office.

Another recipient is believed to be Jaime Stiusso, Argentina’s former chief of counterintelligence, who was fired last year by Argentine President Cristina Kirchner.

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