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Left-wing MK Stav Shaffir and Arab MK Jamal Zahalka.

An Arab Knesset Member dumped all over Knesset leftisits in a theatrical speech Monday that was hilarious for the simple reason that he said everything about bleeding heart liberals that a right-winger would like to state but can’t do so because of political correctness.

He labeled the leftists with several adjectives, such as “Ashkenazim,” “spoiled,” “snobs” and “racists.” And what about the leftists ‘agenda for peace?



Zahalka said exactly what right-wingers know about leftists:

They are the ones who told us ‘We have brought peace upon you!’ Shame on you.

The engineers of racism, the engineers of expropriation, of expulsion. Shame on you.

Zahalka’s speech came during a debate on the government proposal to finalize an agreement concerning royalties on offshore natural gas.

MK Stav Shaffir, one of the most extreme leftists in the old Labor party that now is merged with Tzipi Livni’s faction under the funny title of “Zionist Camp,” has asked the attorney general to investigate reports that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu promised to earmark nearly $250 million for the Arabs sector if Arab MKs did not vote against the natural gas deal.

That lit a fuse under Zahalka’s feet, and he launched into a 4-minute outburst of rage that could have made him a fortune, with proceeds for his constituents, if he saved it for the stage and sold tickets for the performance.

Shaffir was the perfect target because she represents the “peace and love” sector that brings back to mind the “limousine liberal “Jews in the 1960s who were all for integration of blacks and whites but had second thoughts if it meant that opening up neighborhoods for everyone would include their street.

A more current example is the rich north Tel Aviv leftists’ campaign for asylum for illegal immigrants, who have flooded the relatively poor area of southern Tel Aviv.

Former right-wing MK Michael Ben-Ari pulled off the stunt of the decade a couple of years ago when he brought a group of illegal immigrants to a swimming pool in north Tel Aviv, where the shocked liberals were infuriated.

Shaffir, who at the age of 30 is the youngest MK in Knesset history, has impeccable credentials as the perfect leftist.

She was a leader in the “cottage cheese’ protests three years ago and joined a Women of the Wall spectacle. She supports asylum for illegal immigrants whom she says should be classified as “refugees,” and, of course, she backs LGBT demands.

Earlier this year, she attacked right-wingers and said:

Don’t preach to us about Zionism, because real Zionism means dividing the budget equally among all the citizens of the country. Real Zionism is taking care of the weak. Real Zionism is solidarity, not only in battle but in everyday life.

So what is her beef that some of the gas royalties will help the Arab sector? Good question, and there is simple answer: Shaffir and the rest of the Opposition, as almost every Opposition party in the Knesset, have one ideology: Dump the coalition, especially when it is headed by Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Zahalka blew all his fuses.

The video below is n Hebrew, but here are just some of his remarks:

Since you [Shaffir] came to the Knesset, you never spoke to me. You never told me hello. I try and try to say hello and you do not answer.


At least, the extreme right are human beings; they smile at you and say hello. Even Yisrael Beiteinu MKs smile at us. But the members of the Labor party are the mother and father of racism! You invented racism!”

Shaffir, visibly hurt and upset by the accusations called him a liar, but Zahalka responded to almost everything she said with, “Shame on you.”

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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.